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发布时间:2018-11-10 13:43
[Abstract]:During the second World War, how to resist and overcome the crisis caused by fascist Nazis is a question for everyone. What is worth noting is the choice of historians at the critical moment: to defend the progress of history with their own lives and hot blood, and to stop the perverse acts of the fascist Nazis. The famous French historian Mark Bloch joined the anti-fascist resistance movement and was brutally murdered by the Nazis. The British historian Hobbsbaum became an engineer for the Royal Army in World War II, and his experience had a great impact on the understanding of the rise of new European historiography after the war. Geoffrey Barklav, another famous British historian, became a RAF major in World War II, providing practical and useful advice to Britain and the United States on anti-fascism by uncovering elements of Germany's history. The heroic behavior of historians in the struggle against fascism reveals a truth from a unique aspect: the struggle against fascism is a great people's war in the world.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史学系;中国人民大学历史学院;


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