[Abstract]:The multi-ethnic Habsburg dynasty occupied an important place in the European balance of power in the 1819 century. After the mid-19th century, with the increasing national consciousness, the national movements in various parts of the empire began one after another. The Empire regarded the governance of national relations as a priority and adhered to the longstanding means of assimilation and divide-and-rule. In 1867, the Empire established a dualistic structure. It is hoped that the balance between the Germanic and Mazar peoples will maintain the continued existence of the empire, but it will not be able to resist the impact of the national movement. After the disintegration of the Empire, the ethnic problems in the vast majority of Central and Eastern European countries were not fundamentally resolved. Some countries still followed the practice of the imperial period in dealing with ethnic relations, resulting in the accumulation of ethnic contradictions. And it erupted again in the 1990 s. Ethnic relationship is an important factor affecting the historical development of Central and Eastern Europe, which determines the evolution of the political map of the region from a multi-ethnic empire to a nation-state.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学国际关系与地区发展研究院;
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