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发布时间:2018-01-18 05:32

  本文关键词:北朝史学考论 出处:《云南大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 北朝 历史撰述 史学政策 修史制度 政治控制

【摘要】: 北朝史学是魏晋南北朝时期学术发展与裂变的一个重要组成部分,但以资料奇缺等种种缘故,常被治史学史者忽略。本文试图对北朝史学作一相对全面的鸟瞰。上篇从北朝时期的史学撰述活动考述入手,在了解众多佚史的基础上,观察其发展轨迹及阶段性特征。下篇将北朝史学置于学术与政治关系背景中考察,以揭示此期史学的特质及其在古代史学发展过程中的地位和意义。 本文认为,北朝史学起步早、发展慢,主要原因是受到政治严格的控制和摧残。虽然北朝史学发展的深度和广度与南朝史学相比略有逊色,但表现出独特的视角和卓识。另外,北朝史学与现实政治关系密切,此期强大的君主集权势力对史学进行全方位的控制,使北朝史学无论意识形态还是史学机构都处于当局政府的严格监管之下,因此形成官方史学与私家史学双线发展而官方史学占据主导地位的特点。北朝官、私史学都取得巨大成就,但总体来说,官方史学的形势不断加强,而私家史学日趋式微。 北朝史学在君主集权下的发展特征直接影响到隋唐史学生态的形成。隋文帝开皇十三年诏令禁绝民间私撰国史和臧否人物,唐贞观年间更建立起完备的官方史学系统和基本体制,这些都不同程度地继承了北朝史学的特质。在魏晋私家撰史风气兴盛和隋唐官方史学开始占据史学生态强势地位之间,北朝史学是一个必不可少的过渡。
[Abstract]:The history of the Northern Dynasty is an important part of the academic development and fission in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, but due to the lack of information and other reasons. This article attempts to make a relatively comprehensive bird 's-eye view of the Northern Dynasty historiography. The first part begins with the historical writing activities of the Northern Dynasty period, on the basis of understanding many lost history. The second part puts the Northern Dynasty historiography under the background of academic and political relations to reveal the characteristics of this period and its position and significance in the development of ancient historiography. This paper holds that the history of the Northern Dynasty started early and developed slowly, mainly because of the strict control and destruction of politics, although the depth and breadth of the development of the historiography of the Northern Dynasty was slightly inferior to that of the Southern Dynasty. In addition, the Northern Dynasty historiography was closely related to the reality and politics, and the powerful monarchic centralization forces carried on the omni-directional control over the historiography in this period. So that the Northern Dynasty historiography is under the strict supervision of the government regardless of ideology or historical institutions, so the formation of official historiography and private historiography dual development and official historiography occupies a dominant position. Private historiography has made great achievements, but on the whole, the situation of official historiography has been strengthened, and private historiography is declining day by day. The development characteristics of the Northern Dynasty historiography under the monarch centralization directly affected the formation of the Sui and Tang dynasties historiography ecology. During the Tang Dynasty, a complete official historiography system and basic system were established. These all inherited the characteristics of the Northern Dynasty historiography to varying degrees. Between the prosperity of the Wei and Jin dynasties private writing history and the Sui and Tang dynasties official historiography began to occupy a strong position in historiography ecology, the Northern Dynasty historiography is an essential transition.


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1 娄权鑫;北朝史官考[D];东北师范大学;2006年

2 唐如明;邓渊《国记》与北魏国史修撰[D];兰州大学;2008年




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