本文关键词: 西晋 东晋 史书 史官 史论 影响 出处:《吉林大学》2007年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 两晋史学处于发展进程中。西汉史学发展中形成的史书撰述原则和撰述精神,东汉、三国时期形成的史学为政治服务的优良传统,两晋时乱世对史学发展的推动等多种促进因素的存在,使得两晋史学在我国古代史学史中占有重要地位。两晋时史书已成为独立的部类,私家修史非常盛行,呈现编年纪传两种体裁并重、史书种类繁多、史注重在补充史实等特点。两晋史官主要有著作郎、佐著作郎、著作令史,其职能是负责国史撰修、集注起居和参议国政,史官选拔途径有皇帝任命、大臣举荐、他官兼领、循职升迁等。两晋史论有单独成书的,有独立成篇的,更多的是随事就人而发的,其内容主要有政权兴亡原因、封建制与郡县制的优劣、魏蜀正统地位、汉戎民族关系等,“总论”的出现、史论专著的产生等是史论的主要特点。两晋史学发展与当时史学领域内自身的有关问题密切相关,如修史风气、直书曲笔、正统观等。同时史学的发展不是孤立的,两晋经学、玄学及政治都从不同侧面影响着史学的发展。两晋史学在史书、史官和史论等主要方面,对后世产生了深远的影响。
[Abstract]:The historiography of the two Jin dynasties is in the process of development. The principles and spirit of compiling historical books formed in the development of historiography in the Western Han Dynasty and the fine tradition of serving politics in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the three Kingdoms period. Due to the existence of many factors which promote the development of historiography during the turbulent period of the Jin Dynasty, the historiography of the two Jin dynasties occupies an important position in the history of the ancient history of our country. The history books of the two Jin dynasties have become an independent part, and the history of private practice is very popular. The history of the Jin Dynasty is mainly composed of Lang, Zuo, Ling Shi, its function is responsible for the compilation of national history. Gathering notes living and participating in the state affairs, the way of selecting historical officials is the appointment of emperors, the recommendation of ministers, the promotion of other officials, and so on. The history theory of the two Jin dynasties has been written separately, some have been independently written, and more have been sent out with the affairs of people. The main contents include the rise and fall of political power, the advantages and disadvantages of feudal system and county system, the orthodox position of Wei and Shu, the ethnic relationship between Han and Rong, and the appearance of "general theory". The development of historiography in the two Jin dynasties was closely related to the related problems in the field of historiography at that time, such as the practice of historical revision and the writing of straight books. Orthodoxy and so on. At the same time, the development of historiography is not isolated, the two Jin classics, metaphysics and politics all influence the development of historiography from different aspects. It had a profound influence on later generations.
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