本文选题:东魏 切入点:北齐 出处:《史学史研究》2011年02期
[Abstract]:The transfer of capital Yecheng of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, the transfer of academic and cultural centers, and the accumulation of civilized achievements since Taihe of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the collection of Ye Xia, provided good conditions for the development of the historiographer system of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties and the compilation of the Book of the Wei Dynasty. From this, the history building and the minister supervision system were formed. The minister supervision and the history building were integrated, and the history hall was a special historical institution, which seemed to be in the province of books and the province of living, which was forbidden by the palace. It is different from the "Shi GE" of the secretary province of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The minister's supervision has changed the tradition of the secretary's supervisor and the official's national history since the Northern Wei Dynasty. He has entered the museum to build a history and a book, which is divorced from the secretary's writing system, and the works have been dissociated from the secretary's province. The Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties along the lines of the Northern Wei Dynasty, set books and living provinces, the Northern Wei Dynasty to guard the book notes began to live, Eastern Wei and Northern Qi with scattered riding often wait for the official supervisor to receive or compile notes. The history of building history and living notes, the Northern Wei Dynasty, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China. The historical books such as Wei Shu, Qi Shu and Qi Ji were brought up. The basis of the change of the historiographer system in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties was the revision of the ritual system, and the rites of the Tang Dynasty followed the Northern Qi Dynasty, so its history building system was also inherited from the Northern Qi Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学历史学院;
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