南朝史学是中国史学发展的重要阶段,在中国古代史学史中占据特殊而又重要的地位,它与北朝史学相比既具有共同点,又具有独特之处,并且与北朝史学一起,上承魏晋史学,下启隋唐史学。虽然短短经历一百多年时间,但是创造了较为辉煌的史学。总结这个时期的政治影响下史官制度、政治格局下的史书编撰、政治思想下的史学观念,不但可以深化南朝史学的研究,并且对中国古代史学研究具有指导意 义。因此研究这个时期史学与政治的关系,既是研究南朝历史的重要内容,又是研究史学史的需要。南朝政治下的史学走向与发展,主要表现为几下几个方面:一、南朝政治制度影响下的史官制度,具体表现在史官的设置、史官的选拔二个方面。第一、南朝史官的设置进一步健全,表现为史官职责进一步细化,修撰史书的工作由秘书监总领,著作郎、著作佐郎、著作令史、撰史学士等专职史官负责。第二、南朝史官的选拔,基本上继承了两汉时期的选拔史官的制度,选拔史官的途径主要有官员兼领、皇帝征召、官员推荐三种途径,呈现出多硕博在线论文网化的趋势。二、南朝政治环境影响下的史书编纂,具体表现在维护皇权促成的起居注实录的编撰、政权更迭导致的皇朝史编纂的高潮、门阀政治影响的家史类著述的扩展、释道流传引发的传注类撰述的兴起、文化繁荣推动的图书目录学的发展等五个方面。第一、南朝时期各政权国祚短暂,统治者为了达到维护皇权稳固统治的目的,重视和皇帝关系的起居注和实录的编撰,促成了起居注的兴盛和实录的初兴。第二、南朝时期政权更迭频繁,统治者一方面宣扬自己的政权正统地位,另一方面希望吸取前代的历史经验与教训,达到长治久安的目的,导致了皇朝史编撰的高潮。第三、由于南朝门阀制度的衰落,使得人物品评之风也逐渐衰落,使之杂传在南朝时也走向了衰落,代之而起的则是在南朝政治生活中发挥着重要的作用谱牒之书的兴盛,使得南朝谱牒类著述无论是在人物层次上,还是地区范围上都呈现出了种扩大的趋势。由于南朝门阀士族标榜郡望,也就间接推动了地记的发展,使得南朝的地记取得了一定的成果。第四、南朝时期释道的流行,引发了《高僧传》、《名僧传》等为数不多的释道人物传记,同时受到释氏“合本子注”的影响,产生了《三国志注》、《世说新语注》等著名的史注。第五、南朝时期文化的繁荣,推动了图书目录学的发展,产生了《四部目录》、《七志》、《七录》等三部有影响的综合性目录学著作。三、南朝政治思想影响下的史学观念,具体表现在君权神授观念的宣扬、皇朝正统观念的阐发、历史盛衰观念的流行、门阀士族观念的维护、宗教迷信观念的反映、民族夷夏观念的强化等六个方面。第一、南朝统治者为了标榜各自政权的合法性,纷纷宣扬天人感应学说,使得史家在其史著中大力宣扬君权神授观念。第二、南朝统治者为了维护所建政权的正统地位,大肆宣扬应运而兴学说,使得史家在其史著中着力阐发皇朝正统观念。第三、南朝统治者为了巩固自己的统治,迫切需要借鉴历史兴亡中的教训,使得史家立足于现实,从不同方面探讨皇朝兴衰的理由,在其史著中格外注重历史盛衰观念。第四、南朝时期尽管门阀制度开始走向衰落,然而门阀士族仍然是享有许多特权的政治集团,门阀士族观念仍然一股重要的政治思潮,使得史家在其史著中表现出维护门阀士族地位的观念。第五、南朝时期大批帝王贵族、世家大族以及著名文人,纷纷皈依佛门或者崇尚道教,在释道思想的影响下,史家在其史著中表现出宗教迷信观念。第六、南朝政权与北朝政权的对峙,南朝统治者对待少数民族政权的态度政策,使得这一时期的史家在其史著中特别强化民族夷夏观念。
【Abstract】 The Southern Dynasty historiography is an important phase in China Ancient Historiography development and it occupies a special and important position. Compared with the Northern Dynasty historiography, it has common points as well as unique features. With Nothern Dynasty historiography, it connects Wei Jin historiography and goes with Sui Tang historiography. It goes just more than one hundred years, but creates a comparatively refulgent historiography. Summary of historiographer system under the political influence, history writing under political situation and historical concept under political ideology can deepen the southern dynasty study as well as guide China ancient history study. Therefore there is need to study relationship between historiography and politics. It is important content to study the southern dynasty history and need of history study. The trend and development of the southern dynasty historiography mainly represents the following aspects:Ⅰ.Historiography system under influence of the southern dynasty finds expression in two aspects: historiographer set and selection.First, historiographer setting further perfect. Responsibility of historiographers is further detailed. Special officials take charge of history records compiling. Second, selection of historiographers mainly inherits Han Dynasty historiographer selection system. Historiographer selection mainly includes three ways: officials hold a concurrent post, emperors conscript, officials recommend. It shows pluralism.Ⅱ.History records compilation under influence of the southern dynasty politics represents in five aspects: preservation of imperial power prompt writing of daily life note; regime change lead to heat of dynasty history writing; hereditary powerful family history writing expand; Spread of Taoism trigger rise of biography and note writing, prosperity of culture push development of books bibliography First,each regime of this period is short. To preserve imperial power and firm reign, rulers attach importance to daily life note and memoir writing of kings . It contributes prosperity of daily life note andfirst rise of memoir. Second, the southern regime change frequently. On the one hand, rulers advocate the orthodoxy position of their regime. In the other hand, they hope to adsorb historical experience and lessons of former dynasty and achieve stability purpose. It leads to high tide of dynasty history writing. Third,although hereditary powerful family begin to decline, there is still a certain political and social influence. As a result, they protect their special interests though various channels, and character level and region expand in family history writings. Fourth,The popularity of Taoism trigger few biography such as“Biography of eminent monk”,“Biography of famous monks”. Meanwhile, famous histoy notes come into being ,such as“Note of The History of the Three Kingdoms”,“Note of new anecdotes of social talk”, etc. Fifth,Prosperity of culture in this period prompt development of books bibliography.“Four department directory”,“Seven Will”and“Seven Records”three influential bibliography writing come into being.Ⅲ.Historical concepts under the southern dynasty politics represents in six aspects: publicity of divine right, analysis of dynasty legitimacy, popularity of history prosperity and decline, assertion of hereditary powerful family, reflection of religious superstition, reinforcement of national concept .First, In order to advertise validity of regime, rulers advocate interaction between heaven and mankind and they make historiographer advocate divine right in their records. Second, to preserve their regime oxthodoxy position, the rulers advocate will of heaven, and it makes historians put forth effort to explicate dynasty orthodox concept. Third, in order to make their regime stable,the rulers need to draw lessons from the historical rise and fall of the former generation dynasties. Based on reality, historians probe into reasons of dynasty rise and decline from different aspects,and they lay emphasis on history rise and fall concept. Fourth,Although the hereditary powerful family begin to walk to the decline, hereditary powerful family is still a political group with privilege. hereditary powerful family concept is still an important political thought trend and it makes historians preserve hereditary power family status in their historical records. Fifth,Many noble kings and princes, famous scholors convert to Buddha or advocate Taoism. Under the influence of taoism, historians show religious superstition in their records. Sixth,The southern regime and the northern regime stand opposite each other. The attitude and policy of the southern ruler to minorities make historians especially emphasize national concept.
【关键词】 南朝; 政治; 史学;【Key words】 Southern dynasty; Politics; Historiography;
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