本文选题:史学史研究 + 研究模式 ; 参考:《学术月刊》2012年01期
[Abstract]:George Zhongzhong believes that the construction of the discipline system of Chinese historiography has different composition levels, defines its academic task and research content, displays the plate-type logical structure of the nature of the subject, and clarifies the breakthrough point of academic research.It is the foundation on which the independent subject status can be established, and the study of the leading clue of the development of Chinese traditional historiography and the division of the stage of the development of Chinese historiography are the overall grasp under the condition of in-depth research.Luo Bingliang believes that the discipline system of Chinese history of historiography has gradually matured, and that the study of the history of Chinese historiography should also broaden the academic field and promote the deepening and perfection of the connotation and system of the history of historiography; in order to achieve this goal,It is very important to strengthen the research of historiography ideological trend and the category of historiography criticism.Qian Maowei believes that there is a need to study the history of historiography from a new perspective. One is to view the development of traditional historiography with the paradigm of historiography, the other is to view the development of historiography from the perspective of the state and social relations, and to pay special attention to the study of folk historiography.Pay attention to the study of the writing of small history.Zhu Zhenghui believes that the study of the history of Chinese historiography should be studied in the context of the international history of Chinese historiography, the research and communication between the East and the West, and a new direction for the study of the history of Chinese historiography should be explored from the longitudinal investigation and horizontal comparison of the history.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院;
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