本文选题:传统史学 + 两汉 ; 参考:《学习与探索》2010年04期
[Abstract]:The orthodox concept is an important connotation of the traditional historiography thought. Since the Han Dynasty, history in the Qing Dynasty has paid great attention to the judgment of the orthodox history of the historical dynasties. Because of the different characteristics of the times and the political needs, the orthodox ideas of the historiography of the different times have also been different. The orthodox ideas of the history of the past dynasties, though Shi Xueyan, have been involved in the history of history. But it is not systematic. This series of topic discussion articles in this period are combed and discussed through the orthodox concept system of traditional historiography of the past dynasties, in order to reveal the concrete connotation, the essence of the thought and the change of its development. Wang Gaoxin's orthodox concept of Confucian classics and the history of Han Dynasty, and the concrete manifestation of the orthodox concept of the history of the Han Dynasty, are discussed. Thinking of the legality and orthodoxy of the establishment of the Dynasty put forward the interpretation of God and meaning; through the construction of historical Dynasty system, to establish historical orthodoxy, through the "Qin" and "Xuanhan", to deny the Qin Dynasty history and determine the historical status of the Han Dynasty. This is closely related to the specific influence of the Han Dynasty. Studying the characteristics of orthodox concept, this paper discusses the orthodox concept of historiography under the background of national division and national integration in the Wei, Jin, northern and Southern Dynasties. It is believed that the frequency of Dynasty is still impel the historians to break the limits when they are written in the history books. They both pay much attention to the gap between the yuan and the specific content, and emphasize that the orthodox dispute over the southern and Northern Dynasties through the differentiation of the Yi Xia Dynasty. The result is the strengthening of historical and cultural identity. Wang recorded the development of the orthodox concept of historiography in the two Song dynasties. It was affirmed that the period of the two Song Dynasty was the heyday and the turning point of the development of traditional Chinese traditional history concept. The discussion of theoretical color is more heavy; it is a turning point, because the scholars in the Song Dynasty not only criticized the orthodox problems of the former generation, but also opened up a new world of orthodox theory. Xu's "Wang Fuzhi's Orthodox discrimination" was a article that thought Wang Fuzhi was the summary of orthodox theory of traditional history and did not approve of the use of orthodoxy to make history. Judgment, because of its theoretical foundation has congenital defects, and in practical use also caused confusion due to multiple difficulties. Wang Fuzhi affirmed that the monarch is the core of maintaining the world order. It is natural to establish the emperor to establish the world, but it is necessary to cooperate with them to form an ideal social situation in the world.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院史学所;
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