本文选题:中国 + 社群 ; 参考:《温州大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The concept of community originated in Latin and was first introduced by German sociologist Tonnies in 1887. A community should consist of individuals who share a common identity. Community oral history research is an important manifestation of the public nature of oral history. Its value lies in helping to record, preserve and disseminate information about the disappearing history and culture of a community, and to rebuild and empower the community. A function that benefits society. This article mainly takes the community as the research object, carries on the interpretation, the analysis, the elaboration, the elaboration to the concrete community oral historical data (including the author own oral history interview result), explains the contemporary Chinese each community characteristic, Reflect the value of community oral history research. The text is composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is the main part of the paper, which is divided into three chapters: the first chapter aims to clarify several basic concepts of the oral history of the community, including the concept of the community. The concept and research value of community oral history. The second chapter attempts to analyze the development of oral history of community in the context of the development of oral history in contemporary China, and to examine the academic background of oral history of contemporary Chinese community from a macro perspective. The third chapter is the focus of this paper, the research topic involves physical community and virtual community. The former selects four communities: universities, enterprises, cities and minority areas; the latter selects four communities: women, war survivors, immigrants and businessmen. This chapter attempts to analyze the above research results, grasp the characteristics of each community, and highlight the value of community oral history research. Finally, aiming at the deficiency of oral history research in contemporary Chinese community, the author puts forward some perfect measures. This paper holds that the oral history of community contains the inheritance of human community memory and the continuation of civilization, so it can not be ignored. Only by truly cherishing, valuing and recording the oral history of the community can we really value the future of the community.
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