[Abstract]:Although post-modern historiography, as a "late guest", "has not received much patronage among Chinese historians" at first, as the questions raised by postmodern historiography become more and more difficult to avoid, it has entered the new century. The exploration of post-modern historiography gradually shows the tendency of impossibility. The research of monographs, the systematic study of specialized books and the translation of a large number of western postmodern historical works are the three levels of postmodern historiography input. The spread of postmodern historiography in China has two meanings: deconstruction and reconstruction, which also means the deepening of the influence of the trend of "globalization" on the study of Chinese history. " The new social history is in the ascendant, symbolizing that Chinese historiography is already acting as a vocal part in the chorus of world historiography.
【作者单位】: 山东大学文史哲研究院;枣庄学院历史系;
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