[Abstract]:Historiography, historians and Times is a Sharon column of historiography. In the 1990s, we ran the "History Salon" column (later renamed the "academic Salon"). At that time, the editorial department set the topic, one issue, the content of which was a combination of academic and ideological content. Formal discussion and pen talk combined, and has strong local characteristics and interdisciplinary style. Under the support of various aspects, has produced certain influence in the academic circles. After the publication itself due to the objective factors of the independent suspension. The purpose of this column is to choose a topic of common concern, deep perception and participation in the field of historiography according to the development of the times and the evolution of the academic field. Through this form of communication, it awakens a persistent and noble academic spirit, advocates a rigorous and free academic style, and encourages a pragmatic and unbiased attitude towards academic study. We admire those scholars who abandon fame and gain, pursue academic truth without complaint, admire "academic professionals" who have a serious spirit of academic study, and despise those who make academia a Vanity Fair. Corrupt academic "expert scholar", especially among them "academic big name"! As the saying goes, an era has an era of scholarship, and a generation of scholarship reflects an era. " The proposition of historiography, historian and time is: we live in a booming era, which is also the time when academic issues are raised most frequently. So, how to examine our history today, historian? What kind of historiography is needed in our times, and how does our historiography reflect our times? What kind of historians are the times calling for, and how do our historians respond to their own times? Is history like "the dress of an 18-year-old girl", or is it equivalent to "death"? How can historians show that they are participants in a fiery era? We assume: the topic is relatively fixed for a period of time; the content will be combined with their respective professional research practice, talk about personal feelings and cognition; completely take the form of written talk, long words, not words, words unlimited. We hope to capture the new ideas formed in the daily research of historians and through the collision of academic exchanges. We solemnly declare that both the contract and the free contribution must be "home-brewed" and "stamped". Pray for academic colleagues to give strong support, but also hope that they cherish.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院史学研究所;北京师范大学历史学院史学理论与史学史研究中心;
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