发布时间:2018-09-14 13:01
【摘要】:余英时是当代著名思想文化史家,其学术博大而精深,在中国史学、思想和文化研究领域产生了跨越科际、时空和议题的影响力。回顾以往的研究,学术界对余英时明清思想史、史学方法与路向、文化观等领域的探求已不乏力作,但对其近现代的学术成果却鲜有涉足。故本文选定余英时对陈寅恪的研究,拟对其近代学术做一尝试。 文章主体分四部分,前三部分分别从三个方面解释余英时为何钟情于陈寅恪研究:第一部分叙述余英时的陈寅恪情结。由于学术环境、教育背景、生平际遇、价值取向和文化观念的相似性,使余英时在文化与情怀上和陈寅恪产生了共鸣,随之余英时产生了陈寅恪情结;第二部分叙述余英时研究陈寅恪的学术原因。由于二人的学术姻缘和对陈寅恪学术的崇敬,使得余英时对陈寅恪有着特殊的学术情感。此外,探究陈寅恪晚年的学术转向及心境变化也增进了余英时对陈寅恪的研究兴趣;第三部分叙述余英时研究陈寅恪的社会原因。“冯衣北”对余英时的陈寅恪研究的批驳使得余英时卷入陈寅恪晚年心境的论战,也推进其陈寅恪研究走向深入。长期身居美国形成的独特政治视角使余英时的政治心境与大陆产生隔膜,陈寅恪研究成为增进其对大陆了解的窗口。再加上强烈的中国情怀的推动,使得余英时十分关怀像陈寅恪这样热爱中国传统文化的史家。 综上可知,情怀共鸣与学术相知是造成余英时钟爱陈寅恪的主要原因,正因如此,,使得余英时对陈寅恪有着超越一般研究客体的情感。分析余英时在陈寅恪研究中的情感与学术纠葛将作为本文的结论。
[Abstract]:Yu Ying-shi was a famous contemporary ideological and cultural historian, whose academic knowledge was broad and profound, and exerted great influence on the research fields of Chinese history, thought and culture, spanning different disciplines, time and topics. Modern academic achievements are seldom involved. Therefore, this paper chooses Yu Yingshi's research on Chen Yinke to make an attempt at his modern academic work.
The main body of the article is divided into four parts. The first three parts explain why Yu Yingshi loves Chen Yinke's research in three aspects. The first part describes Chen Yinke's complex. The second part describes the academic reasons for Yu Yingshi's study of Chen Yinkei. Because of their academic affinity and respect for Chen Yinkei, Yu Yingshi has a special academic emotion for Chen Yinkei. The third part describes the social reasons for Yu Yingshi's study of Chen Yinkei. The criticism of Feng Yibei's study of Chen Yinkei made Yu Yingshi involved in the debate of Chen Yinkei's mood in his later years and pushed forward his study of Chen Yinkei. Chen Yinke's research has become a window to enhance his understanding of the mainland. In addition, the strong promotion of Chinese sentiment makes Yu Yingshi very concerned about historians who love Chinese traditional culture like Chen Yinke.
To sum up, emotional resonance and academic acquaintance are the main reasons for Yu Ying-shi's love for Chen Yinke, which makes Yu Ying-shi have feelings beyond the general research object.
[Abstract]:Yu Ying-shi was a famous contemporary ideological and cultural historian, whose academic knowledge was broad and profound, and exerted great influence on the research fields of Chinese history, thought and culture, spanning different disciplines, time and topics. Modern academic achievements are seldom involved. Therefore, this paper chooses Yu Yingshi's research on Chen Yinke to make an attempt at his modern academic work.
The main body of the article is divided into four parts. The first three parts explain why Yu Yingshi loves Chen Yinke's research in three aspects. The first part describes Chen Yinke's complex. The second part describes the academic reasons for Yu Yingshi's study of Chen Yinkei. Because of their academic affinity and respect for Chen Yinkei, Yu Yingshi has a special academic emotion for Chen Yinkei. The third part describes the social reasons for Yu Yingshi's study of Chen Yinkei. The criticism of Feng Yibei's study of Chen Yinkei made Yu Yingshi involved in the debate of Chen Yinkei's mood in his later years and pushed forward his study of Chen Yinkei. Chen Yinke's research has become a window to enhance his understanding of the mainland. In addition, the strong promotion of Chinese sentiment makes Yu Yingshi very concerned about historians who love Chinese traditional culture like Chen Yinke.
To sum up, emotional resonance and academic acquaintance are the main reasons for Yu Ying-shi's love for Chen Yinke, which makes Yu Ying-shi have feelings beyond the general research object.
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