[Abstract]:This year, the whole party and the people of the whole country ushered in the 90 th birthday of the Communist Party of China. Since Li Dazhao and other pioneers wrote a batch of Hongwen in the May 4th period, Chinese Marxist historiography has also experienced 90 years. Her growth, development and prosperity are closely related to the cause of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 90 years, the generations of Marxist scholars have always taken "the combination of revolutionary and scientific" as the academic character they are determined to pursue. "the combination of the basic principles of historical materialism and the reality of Chinese history" is regarded as a research guide for unswerving adherence, and the development of the fine tradition of Chinese historiography and the continuous innovation under the new historical conditions are regarded as the fundamental principles of the method of administering history. The developed Chinese history has been pushed to a new stage of development and has given a powerful impetus to the Chinese revolution and social progress. Seventeen years before New China, Chinese Marxist historiography was subjected to a severe test. However, a group of loyal and upright Marxist scholars bravely stepped forward to resist the bad style of dogmatism. He defended the dignity and scientific nature of history. Since the beginning of the new century, the vast number of historians have smashed the spiritual shackles, broken through the forbidden area, boldly innovated under the guidance of historical materialism, and ushered in a good situation of a hundred flowers blooming in the academic garden. In the past 90 years, the achievements and experiences of Chinese Marxist historiography have focused on the theoretical innovation and development, and have played a guiding role in the research work. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to conscientiously sum up the creation, methods, roads and values of the previous theories for the correct understanding of the road we have taken and the development of historiography in the new century. For this reason, the editorial department of our journal specially invited Professor Li Genpan and other scholars, Reflections on the methods and paths of Marxist historiography Research Reading of Mao Zedong's Notes on the Ancient and Modern Chinese and Foreign laws, the style created by Fan Wenlan, a Marxist historian, opening and absorbing: China's Marx "the inexhaustible motive Force of the Development of Doctrine historiography" and "on the theoretical Achievement and academic significance of the five Golden Flowers", etc. Put forward in-depth thinking and innovative ideas, in order to provide dinner to the reader.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院经济研究所;
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