[Abstract]:The interpreter's "outstanding" text has a certain meaning, which is not only the function of its previous views, but also the focus of its horizon. Mr. Xu Fuguan is a famous scholar in the history of Chinese thought. His explanation of "outstanding" in "Records of the historian" has four main points: first, to strengthen the motive of making history by Shi Gong, to deepen his understanding of history, and to arouse his sense of responsibility towards mankind. It is in his time; Secondly, the basic spirit of Shi Gong's work on history is the spirit of rational criticism of political authority. Thirdly, Shi Gong's work on history is not only to collect and sort out historical materials, but also to attach importance to expounding the implied ideological meaning behind historical materials and moving from historical materials to historiography. Fourth, in writing the contemporary history, Shi Gong caused obstruction and disaster in order not to offend the taboo of political authority. Mr. Xu's "outstanding" content is closely related to his own age experience, ideological tendency, life experience and personality.
【作者单位】: 中国青年政治学院中文系;
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