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发布时间:2018-11-19 11:13
[Abstract]:Orthodoxy is an important connotation of traditional historiography. Since the Han Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, the historiography of every era has generally attached importance to judging the orthodoxy of the historical dynasty. Due to the different characteristics of the times and political needs, there are differences in orthodox concepts of historiography in different times. Historical studies in the past have dabbled in the orthodoxy of historical studies, but they have not been systematic. In this issue, the author systematically combs and discusses the orthodoxy of the traditional historiography in the past dynasties, in order to reveal its specific connotation, ideological essence and its development and change. Wang Gaoxin's "Classics and the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty historiography" discusses the concrete manifestation of the orthodox ideas of the Han Dynasty historiography: pay attention to propagating the thought of Wang Quan, and put forward the explanation of divine meaning for the legitimacy and orthodoxy of the establishment of the dynasty; In order to establish the orthodoxy in history, to deny the historical unity of Qin Dynasty and to determine the historical status of Han Dynasty, the author establishes the orthodoxy of history by constructing the system of historical dynasties, and denying Qin Dynasty and Xuanhan Dynasty by "holding Qin Dynasty" and "Xuanhan Dynasty". All of these are closely related to the specific influence of the Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty. Ma Xiaoneng's "the characteristics of Historical orthodoxy in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties" discusses the orthodox conception of historiography under the background of national division and national integration in Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties. The beginning yuan and the concrete content all pay close attention to the seam and the taboo decoration; It is emphasized that the struggle for orthodoxy of historiography in the Southern and Northern dynasties was carried out by means of the debate of Yi Xia, but the result was the strengthening of the consciousness of historical and cultural identity. Wang Records's "the Development of Historical orthodoxy in the Song Dynasty" affirms that the Song Dynasty was the heyday and turning point of the development of the orthodox concept of Chinese traditional historiography. It is said to be the heyday because the orthodoxy became a fashion in this period and the discussion about orthodoxy was more theoretical. It is a turning point because the scholars of Song Dynasty not only criticized and summarized the orthodoxy of the previous generation, but also opened up a new world of orthodox theory. Xu Diancai's "the debate on the orthodoxy of Wang Fuzhi" argues that as a summary of the orthodoxy of traditional historiography, Wang Fuzhi does not approve of the use of orthodoxy for historical judgment, because its theoretical foundation is inherently flawed. In practice, there are many difficulties that lead to confusion. Wang Fuzhi affirmed that the monarch is the core of maintaining the order of the world. It is only natural and natural to establish the monarch to rule the world, but the ideal social situation of the world youdao can be formed only when there is a moral unity and cooperation between the monarch and the monarch.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院;


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