[Abstract]:The historical language research opened up a new model of modern Chinese academic research. The formation of this paradigm is closely related to the operational mechanism of the Institute. In the initial stage, the institute constantly revised the organization outline and regulated its own development from the system level. In terms of the setting up of the research group, Fu Sinian was unable to accurately locate the difficulties in the work of the Institute of History and language, the selection of personnel and the expenditure of funds, and so on, which made the other settings of the study group quite confusing, and through repeated adjustments to the direction and content of the research, Only then finally form the history, the language, the archaeology three groups coexistence pattern. The history and language institute pioneered the modern "mass research" model, by which "collective" engaged in large-scale academic projects, such as historical data collation, language investigation and archaeological excavations, which were difficult for individuals to complete. At the same time, the new materials obtained from the study of gathering masses have opened up countless ways for individual research, and established the achievements and status of the people who have studied the history of language in the modern academic history.
【作者单位】: 西北大学历史学院;
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