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发布时间:2019-01-08 15:49
[Abstract]:Correctly analyzing and summing up the way of the development of new Chinese historiography is related to whether we can consciously inherit and carry forward the precious ideological heritage of Chinese Marxist historiography, and to recognize the developing direction of the present historiography. Some researchers denounce the history of 17 years after the founding of the people's Republic of China as "totally politicized" historiography and regard it as having no academic independence. This view is quite different from the historical facts. On the whole, though the history of seventeen years has experienced serious twists and turns, the achievement is the main one. The crux of the disagreement is whether we can correctly grasp the opposition between the two styles of study in 17 years and the essence of the struggle. " There are two opposing styles of study in Seventeen years, one is seeking truth from facts, the good style of study which combines the basic principles of historical materialism with the reality of Chinese history, and the bad style of study of dogmatism. " In 17 years, the achievements of historiography were achieved by upright and serious scholars who vigorously promoted the fine style of study and resolutely resisted the bad style of dogmatism. This is the key to correct evaluation and an extremely important methodological issue in the study of 17 years of historiography. If we leave this correct principle, we will only see dogmatism, and even blame the mistakes without analysis on the promotion of historical materialism, thus doubt the guiding role of the scientific theory of historical materialism.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院;


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