[Abstract]:The Guanzhong standard policy put forward by Chen Yinke in 1940s is of great significance in the study of the political history of Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties. According to this theory, the Western Wei Dynasty implemented the Guanzhong Standard Policy, both in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and in the early Sui and Tang dynasties (before Kaiyuan). The Western Wei Dynasty fought with the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Liang Dynasty by implementing this policy, the Northern Zhou Dynasty eliminated the Northern Qi Dynasty because of the policy, and the vicissitude of the ruling class in the Tang Dynasty was the rise and fall and its differentiation of Yu Wentai's Guanzhong Standard Policy. Cen Zhongmian and Huang Yongnian are the main critics of Guanzhong Standard Policy. According to Mr. Cen, there was no "Guanzhong Standard Policy" from the perspective of Tang Taizong, while Mr. Huang went further, believing that the Sui Yang Emperor had no "Guanzhong Standard Policy" to speak of. In fact, the views of Mr. Cen and Mr. Huang are all the result of misunderstanding, because they are all criticized on the basis of the exposition in the previous article of the draft of the political History of the Tang Dynasty. There is no discussion of the book and other related works. The misrepresentation in the first part of the book is the root cause of the misunderstanding of Mr. Cen and Mr. Huang. Therefore, judging only from the statement in the first part of the draft of the political History of the Tang Dynasty, it should be considered that both Mr. Cen and Mr. Huang's criticism are reasonable, but from Mr. Chen's systematic discussion on the "Guanzhong Standard Policy", it can be said that Cen and Mr. Huang's criticism are all unreasonable.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院历史研究所;
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