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发布时间:2019-07-17 10:35
[Abstract]:One of the most important features of Chinese history in the 20th century is the macro-examination and the theoretical generalization of the Chinese history development process based on the new historical view. Such features are most evident in the important theoretical problems in the research field of Chinese ancient history. The important theoretical point of the study of the Chinese ancient history in the 20th century is the convergence point of the research results of the Chinese ancient history, and it is the key to the in-depth understanding of the Chinese history; in view of the historical view of history, The historical materialism has the most important position in the theoretical building of the research field of the Chinese ancient history in the 20th century. On the basis of the existing research and discussion, the academic sources and the background, the way and the system, the basic purpose and the influence of various views are further clarified, which will help to further advance the correct understanding of the Chinese history and to sum up the achievements and lessons from the facts. To this end, this series of symposia was published in the current period, and it is hoped that the important meaning of strengthening the theoretical research in the study of history can be clarified, and the scientific and the vitality of the historical theory of the history of Marxism and the theoretical construction of the study of the Chinese ancient history under the guidance of the historical materialism are expounded.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学史学理论与史学史研究中心;


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