[Abstract]:The Finley paradigm is the orthodox model of the study of the ancient economic history in the last 40 years, and it emphasizes the study of the ancient economy from the social structure rather than the economy itself. Finley's paradigm has an active guiding role in the study of the ancient economic history: on the one hand, the scientific research method is adopted, the core content of the ancient Greek and Roman economic development is grasped, and it is recognized that the ancient economy is different from the modern economy in many aspects, and on the other hand, The study of the history of ancient economic history will focus on the study of the view of sight from the traditional economic history, the political history to the rural life and the social life. However, with the in-depth of the study, the Finley paradigm is subject to a severe challenge. First, the paradigm is not in good agreement with the historical materials; secondly, the decision of the social identity and the social relations to the ancient economy is too emphasized, and the regularity of the economy itself is ignored; and finally, the special significance of the economy under the cultural perspective is neglected. The study of the ancient economic history should pay attention to both the economic structure and the economic performance.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学历史学院;
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