本文选题:澳大利亚 切入点:域外国家 出处:《东南亚研究》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, Australia has been paying more and more attention to the South China Sea dispute, and its path includes publicizing its South China Sea policy on many occasions, expanding its own armament and showing its military presence in the South China Sea. Strengthening the linkage with countries inside and outside the United States, Japan and the Philippines. Australia's involvement in the South China Sea dispute has its own security, consideration of economic and political interests, and is also affected by other external factors. Australia's involvement in the South China Sea dispute brings important influence. Including increasing the complexity of the South China Sea dispute, affecting China's right to speak on the South China Sea issue, hindering the development of Sino-Australian relations and deepening Australia's own diplomatic predicament. In view of the reality of Australia's policy of strengthening its involvement in the South China Sea dispute, China should take corresponding countermeasures, including insisting on the "two-track train of thought" to solve the South China Sea problem while the political situation and policy of some countries are changing, in order to prevent Australia and other extraterritorial forces from attempting to internationalize the South China Sea issue; To expand the diplomatic work to all walks of life in Australia, to promote the development of Sino-US relations and the conversion of Sino-Japanese relations, and to reduce the space for joint foreign countries to control China; The main way is to prevent Australia from getting involved in the South China Sea dispute by soft economic constraint and military hard deterrence.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学中国周边安全与合作研究中心;
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