本文选题:东盟安全 切入点:地区合作 出处:《国际安全研究》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The study of the emergence and evolution of the security complex in Southeast Asia is the key thread to grasp the evolution of the security pattern in Southeast Asia during the Cold War and the important way to understand the interactive relationship between regionalism and regional security in the same period.The emergence of security complex not only creates conditions for regional security cooperation, but also is the starting point of the development of security regionalism.During the Cold War, the security complex in Southeast Asia followed the evolution law of continuous security unity, and the regional security structure experienced a significant change from conflict competition as the keynote to dialogue and cooperation as the main theme.On the one hand, ASEAN countries use this to mediate and ease contradictions and conflicts among countries in the region so as to achieve the goal of uniting and integrating regional security forces; on the other hand, they try to promote a security mechanism of "regional neutrality".To achieve balance and stability of the security pattern in Southeast Asia under the bipolar system of the cold war.From seeking "common security" to the final construction of "cooperative security" in the region, ASEAN has transformed the gradual development of a divided and confrontational Southeast Asia into a solidarity and mutual assistance, interdependent and willing to work for regional peace.A model of regionalism and cooperation between developing countries working together for stability and development.At the same time, the practice of cultivating a "cooperative" security complex during the Cold War has fostered mutual trust in political security among ASEAN countries and strengthened their regional identity.This laid a solid foundation for the post-Cold War ASEAN regional security structure to upgrade to a higher level of "security community."
【作者单位】: 云南大学历史与档案学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重大招标项目“东南亚安全格局对我国家安全战略影响及对策研究”(编号:15ZDA064) 云南大学{9川基金重点项目“冷战时期东南亚安全格局的演变研究”(编号:16KT103)的阶段性成果 2016年度云南省博士研究生学术新人奖的资助
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