本文选题:南海问题 + 美国南海政策 ; 参考:《外交学院》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:冷战结束后,南海在美国亚太战略和对华战略中的地位和作用不断上升,美国不仅重视南海的地缘战略价值、国际航运价值和经济价值,更将南海视为迟滞中国发展、维护其在亚太地区主导地位的战略场。2009年奥巴马总统执政后高调宣布“重返亚洲”,之后调整为“战略再平衡”,将美国的战略重心由“反恐”转向亚洲,目的就是平衡因中国崛起带来的亚洲主导国可能的变化。在该背景下,美国的南海政策更加积极,不仅高调介入南海主权争端,偏袒菲律宾、越南等声索国,而且为南海问题的解决划定规则,直接挑战中国在南海的合法地位,并且鼓动域外大国支持菲律宾、越南,很明显,美国已经从幕后走到台前,成为南海博弈的一方。 作为世界上唯一的超级大国和南海问题上有影响力的域外大国,美国“强势介入”南海问题带来了很大的影响,,既不利于地区的和平稳定和中美新型大国关系的建设,也给中国妥善解决南海问题带来了巨大的困难,甚至影响到了“21世纪海上丝绸之路”战略的实施。面对事实上已经形成的中美在南海的困局,两国需要加强沟通、建立信心,积极探索新方法来共同维护南海地区的和平与稳定。
[Abstract]:After the end of the Cold War, the status and role of the South China Sea in the Asia-Pacific strategy and China strategy of the United States continued to rise. The United States not only attached importance to the geo-strategic value of the South China Sea, international shipping value and economic value, but also regarded the South China Sea as lagging behind China's development. Maintain its strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region. After President Obama took office in 2009, he announced his "return to Asia" and then changed it to "strategic rebalancing", which shifted the strategic focus of the United States from "anti-terrorism" to Asia. The aim is to balance possible changes in Asia's leading powers as a result of China's rise. Against this background, the US policy on the South China Sea has become more active, not only in its high-profile involvement in disputes over sovereignty in the South China Sea, but also in favouring the Philippines and Vietnam, as well as defining rules for the settlement of the South China Sea issue and directly challenging China's legal status in the South China Sea. And agitating foreign powers to support the Philippines, Vietnam, it is clear that the United States has moved from behind the scenes to the front of the South China Sea game. As the only superpower in the world and an influential foreign power on the South China Sea issue, the "strong involvement" of the United States in the South China Sea issue has had a great impact, which is not conducive to regional peace and stability and the construction of a new type of China-US power relationship. It has also caused great difficulties for China to properly solve the South China Sea issue, and even affected the implementation of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" strategy. In the face of the existing difficulties between China and the United States in the South China Sea, the two countries need to strengthen communication, build confidence, and actively explore new ways to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.
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