发布时间:2018-05-08 21:27
本文选题:毛泽东 + 斯大林 ; 参考:《天津大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:新中国成立后,苏联第一个承认新中国,并与新中国建立了外交关系。随后,毛泽东立即着手准备访苏事宜。经中苏双方商定,毛泽东出访苏联的时间最终定为1949年12月初。12月6日,毛泽东踏上了访苏的征途,这是毛泽东的第一次出访,也是毛泽东与斯大林的惟一一次会面。这次出访,对于刚刚建立的新中国来说,具有极其重大的意义。 战后,由于美苏争霸,世界上分为两大对立的阵营,中共根据当时的国内国际形势,公开宣布了“一边倒”的战略方针。毛泽东出访苏联,正是对这一方针政策的具体落实。此次出访的目的主要是签订一个新的中苏条约,废除1945年的《中苏友好同盟条约》。其实,建国前夕,毛泽东曾多次提出过访苏要求,但是总被斯大林以各种理由拒绝,代之以派米高扬访华。后来,中共又派刘少奇访苏,这都为毛泽东的第一次访问苏联做好了准备。建国后,毛泽东终于如愿以偿,走出国门,开始了对苏联的第一次访问。 在访问苏联期间,斯大林与毛泽东进行过多次的会面与谈判。出于《中苏友好同盟条约》既得利益的考虑,斯大林始终不愿意签订一个新的中苏条约。因此,中苏条约谈判的进程并不如毛泽东开始料想的那样顺利,在中苏条约谈判的道路上可谓是困难重重。就是否签订新约这一问题,斯大林与毛泽东之间展开了激烈的较量,双方互相争持不下,谁也不肯让步。 在很长一段时间里,苏联没有关于毛泽东的任何消息报道,这引起了很多的猜疑。西方国家趁此机会散布毛泽东被“软禁”的谣言,这使得中苏两国尤其是苏联极其紧张。最终,在王稼祥大使的提议下,毛泽东召开了一次《答记者问》,并趁此机会公开表明了签订中苏新条约的目的。此时,中国外交上也取得了一些胜利,印度、缅甸、英国等国家都纷纷表示与新中国建交。 在种种因素的影响下,斯大林最终不得不作出了让步,同意周恩来前来莫斯科,签订一个新的中苏条约,以取代1945年苏联政府与国民党政府签订的《中苏友好同盟条约》。这是中苏关系史上的一件大事,在国际上也引起了很大的反响。由于争得了苏联的支持和援助,为新中国各项建设事业的开展创造了良好的条件。
[Abstract]:After the founding of New China, the Soviet Union was the first to recognize New China and establish diplomatic relations with New China. Mao Zedong immediately set out to prepare for a visit to the Soviet Union. According to the agreement between China and the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong's visit to the Soviet Union was set at the beginning of December 1949. On December 6, Mao Zedong set foot on his journey to the Soviet Union. This trip is of great significance to the new China that has just been established. After the war, because the United States and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony, the world was divided into two opposing camps. According to the domestic and international situation at that time, the Chinese Communists openly announced the strategic policy of "one-sided". Mao Zedong's visit to the Soviet Union was the concrete implementation of this policy. The main purpose of the visit was to sign a new Sino-Soviet Treaty and repeal the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between China and the Soviet Union of 1945. In fact, on the eve of the founding of the people's Republic of China, Mao Zedong had asked for a visit to the Soviet Union many times, but Stalin refused to do so for various reasons and instead sent Migaon to visit China. Later, the Communist Party sent Liu Shaoqi to visit the Soviet Union, which was all ready for Mao Zedong's first visit to the Soviet Union. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Mao Zedong finally got his wish and began his first visit to the Soviet Union. During his visit to the Soviet Union, Stalin and Mao Zedong met and negotiated many times. Considering the vested interests of the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between China and the Soviet Union, Stalin was always unwilling to sign a new treaty with the Soviet Union. Therefore, the process of Sino-Soviet treaty negotiation is not as smooth as Mao Zedong began to expect, and the path of Sino-Soviet treaty negotiation is difficult. Stalin and Mao Zedong fought bitterly over whether to sign the New Testament. For a long time, the Soviet Union did not report anything about Mao Zedong, which aroused a lot of suspicion. Western countries took the opportunity to spread rumors that Mao Zedong was under house arrest, making the two countries, especially the Soviet Union, extremely nervous. In the end, at the suggestion of Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang, Mao Zedong called a question for reporters and took this opportunity to publicly state the purpose of the signing of the new Sino-Soviet Treaty. At this time, China has also achieved some diplomatic successes, India, Myanmar, Britain and other countries have expressed diplomatic ties with the new China. Under the influence of various factors, Stalin finally had to make concessions and agreed that Zhou Enlai should come to Moscow to sign a new Sino-Soviet treaty to replace the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between China and the Soviet Union signed by the Soviet government and the Kuomintang government in 1945. This is a major event in the history of Sino-Soviet relations, and has aroused great international repercussions. With the support and assistance of the Soviet Union, good conditions were created for the construction of New China.
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