本文选题:双重领导 + 地区秩序 ; 参考:《世界经济与政治》2017年01期
[Abstract]:In the regional structure of "two strong powers and many weak", the two big countries play a leading role together, other small and medium-sized countries adopt the policy of double follow, construct a kind of double leading regional order, will be most beneficial to the stability and prosperity of the region. "sharing" and "common" are the core principles of the dual leadership regional order, emphasizing that the two powers should share power and lead together in the same field. The construction of regional order is divided into two aspects: inside and outside. The internal construction needs to pay attention to the relationship between the two big countries, the relations between the two big countries and the small countries, and the whole region. The two powers need to coordinate their objectives and interests, take joint action to reduce the bias of small countries, and promote the effective operation of regional mechanisms in a gradual and orderly manner. In the process of external construction, it is necessary to control the influence of regional external factors, coordinate the policies of countries in the region to deal with external factors, and promote the formulation and implementation of the same policies. According to the differences of the two countries' existing status within the region, the construction process of regional order can be divided into two types: balanced construction and differential construction. Although both types emphasize and follow the principle of "common" and "share", the principle of "sharing" is more critical in the construction of difference type, especially the willingness of the leading countries to share. The rising countries should make up their own weaknesses, strengthen their relations with small and medium-sized countries, seek common interests and create an effective regional mechanism for joint participation in the construction of regional order with the leading countries.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院国际问题研究所;
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