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  本文选题:毛泽东思想 + 国际战略 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:毛泽东国际战略思想是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分,是毛泽东将马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实践相结合的产物,是毛泽东根据国际形势的不断变化,以国家利益为基本出发点,制定的中国国际战略思想。在实践中不断被检验的这一理论为不同时期的中国国际战略提供了理论基础。 本文分为五个部分。第一部分绪论,主要论述了本选题的学术背景,国内相关领域的研究现状及本文的创新点。 第二部分,阐述了毛泽东国际战略思想的思想渊源。其理论基础包括马克思主义的国际战略思想,以及中华优秀传统文化的影响。 第三部分:论述了建国以来毛泽东国际战略思想的发展历程。从建国初期到二十世纪七十年代,毛泽东根据国际形势的不断变化先后提出了“一边倒”战略;“两个世界”理论和“两条线”战略;“三个世界”理论和“一条线一大片”战略。 第四部分:阐述了毛泽东国际战略思想的主要原则。审时度势正确判断国际形势是毛泽东国际战略思想的基本前提,在国际形势不断变化的情况下,毛泽东能够从变化的国际局势中找寻出适合中国的道路;国家利益至上原则是毛泽东国际战略思想的基本出发点,毛泽东始终将中华民族的利益置于首位,捍卫了新中国的国家利益;独立自主原则是毛泽东国际战略思想的核心,毛泽东一直将国家的独立自主作为奋斗一生的目标:和平共处五项原则是毛泽东国际战略思想的基本准则;加强与第三世界国家的团结与合作是毛泽东国家战略思想的立足点。 最后一部分:总结了毛泽东国际战略思想对当今中国国际战略的启示。当今时代正经历着经济迅猛发展、科技的日新月异,和平、发展、合作已成为时代主题,中国在新世纪应该如何谋发展、促合作、保和平;新一届国家领导集体继承、发展了毛泽东国际战略思想,坚持独立自主的和平国际战略。
[Abstract]:The international strategic thought of Mao Zedong is an important part of Mao Zedong's thought. It is the product of Mao Zedong combining the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete practice of China. It is the constant change of Mao Zedong according to the international situation. Take the national interest as the basic starting point, formulates the Chinese international strategic thought. This theory, which has been constantly tested in practice, provides a theoretical basis for China's international strategy in different periods. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is introduction, mainly discusses the academic background of this topic, the domestic related research status and the innovation of this paper. The second part, elaborated the Mao Zedong international strategic thought origin. Its theoretical basis includes Marxist international strategic thought and the influence of Chinese excellent traditional culture. The third part discusses the development course of Mao Zedong's international strategic thought since the founding of the people's Republic of China. From the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China to the seventies of the 20th century, Mao Zedong put forward the strategy of "one-sided", "two worlds" and "two lines" according to the constant changes of the international situation. The "three worlds" theory and the "one line, one big" strategy. The fourth part: elaborated the Mao Zedong international strategic thought the main principle. Judging the international situation correctly is the basic premise of the international strategic thought of Mao Zedong. Under the circumstances of the constant change of the international situation, Mao Zedong can find a way suitable for China from the changing international situation. The principle of the supremacy of national interests is the basic starting point of Mao Zedong's international strategic thought, and Mao Zedong always puts the interests of the Chinese nation first and defends the national interests of New China, and the principle of independence is the core of Mao Zedong's international strategic thinking. Mao Zedong has always regarded national independence as the goal of his whole life: the five principles of peaceful coexistence are the basic principles of Mao Zedong's international strategic thought, and the strengthening of unity and cooperation with third world countries is the foothold of Mao Zedong's national strategic thought. The last part: summarizes the enlightenment of Mao Zedong's international strategy to China's international strategy. Today's era is experiencing rapid economic development, the rapid development of science and technology, peace, development and cooperation has become the theme of the times. How should China seek development, promote cooperation, and safeguard peace in the new century; the new national leadership collective inherits, Developed Mao Zedong international strategic thinking, adhere to an independent peace international strategy.


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