发布时间:2018-06-28 14:10
本文选题:泰国 + 柬埔寨 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文主要研究泰国和柬埔寨之间关于柏威夏寺及其周边领土的争端问题。 柏威夏寺位于泰国与柬埔寨接壤的边境地区,原为印度教神庙,于公元9世纪由柬埔寨吴哥王国下令建造。13世纪后,随着印度教在这一地区式微,柏威夏寺逐渐转化为佛教寺庙。 历史上,泰柬两国关于柏威夏寺及其周边领土的争端可分为三个阶段:一是早期阶段,即18世纪末柬埔寨国力衰微后被迫将柏威夏寺等地割让给泰国;二是法国殖民统治柬埔寨时期,柏威夏寺在泰柬之间几经转手;三是上世纪50年代柬埔寨独立以来,双方围绕柏威夏寺及其周边领土历经1958年冲突、国际法庭判决、2008年交战等。 泰柬双方关于柏威夏寺及其周边领土的争端有其历史根源,也有西方殖民扩张因素,还牵涉到两国国内政治考量。但这一争端悬而未决,成为泰柬关系中的难愈伤口,不仅直接导致两国边境地区的居民流离失所,造成两国政治局势动荡,还妨碍双边贸易的发展,破坏民间友好气氛,损害两国关系,并影响到地区的和平与稳定。就东盟而言,这一争端对其未来安全共同体建设以及安全一体化趋势发展具有负面影响,也是难以回避的挑战。 鉴于上述,为了泰柬两国和东南亚地区的和平与发展,泰柬双方应通过国际法途径、双边谈判或者东盟体制等,寻求适用于解决这一争端可能方案。总之,只有通过协商和谈判的方式,妥善解决泰柬柏威夏寺及其周边领土的争端,才能最大程度符合泰柬两国人民的根本利益。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the dispute between Thailand and Cambodia about Preah Vihear Temple and its surrounding territory. Preah Vihear Temple is located on the border between Thailand and Cambodia. It was originally a Hindu temple. It was built by the Kingdom of Angkor of Cambodia in the 9th century AD and then declined in the region after the order of the Kingdom of Angkor of Cambodia. Preah Vihear Temple gradually converted into a Buddhist temple. In history, the dispute between Thailand and Cambodia about Preah Vihear Temple and its surrounding territory can be divided into three stages: first, the early stage, namely, Cambodia was forced to cede Preah Vihear Temple and other places to Thailand after the decline of Cambodia's national strength in the late 18th century; Second, during the period of French colonial rule Cambodia, Preah Vihear Temple changed hands several times between Thailand and Cambodia; third, since the independence of Cambodia in the 1950s, the two sides have experienced the 1958 conflict over Preah Vihear Temple and its surrounding territory, the judgment of the International Court of Justice, the war in 2008, etc. The dispute between Thailand and Cambodia over Preah Vihear Temple and its surrounding territories has its historical roots, Western colonial expansion factors and domestic political considerations. However, the unresolved dispute has become a difficult wound in Thai-Cambodian relations. It has not only directly led to the displacement of residents in the border areas of the two countries, caused instability in the political situation of the two countries, but also hindered the development of bilateral trade and undermined the atmosphere of friendship among the people. Damage to relations between the two countries and affect regional peace and stability. As far as ASEAN is concerned, this dispute has a negative impact on its future security community construction and the trend of security integration, and is also an unavoidable challenge. In view of the above, for the sake of peace and development between Thailand and Cambodia and Southeast Asia, Thailand and Cambodia should seek a possible solution to the dispute through international law, bilateral negotiations or ASEAN system. In a word, it is only through consultation and negotiation that the dispute over the Temple of Preah Vihear and its surrounding territories can be settled properly, and the fundamental interests of the two peoples can be maximized.
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