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发布时间:2018-07-10 08:04

  本文选题:恐怖主义 + 阿富汗 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 自9/11袭击事件以来,恐怖主义成为国际政治中的一个全球性问题。所以,清楚地了解该问题作为近年来国际安全最重要的主题之一是很有必要的。的确,我们生活在一个高度分割且易受暴力影响的全球性的世界,因此密切关注恐怖主义问题显得尤为重要。因此,在这里很有必要重提阿富汗的恐怖主义问题,因为它对未来的国际安全具有显著影响。不仅美国作为一个被攻击的主要目标,还有中国的新疆维吾尔族自治区也面临恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义等问题。中国作为一个在世界政治中非常有影响力的崛起中的大国,正积极采取的措施旨在中亚-阿富汗建立信任和相互尊重。改革开放以来,中国的外交政策发生了很大的变化…从孤立走向合作,中国与很多国家都建立了外交关系,也包括阿富汗。 作者对该问题做了大量的调查研究,题目为“阿富汗的恐怖主义及其对中国的影响”。这个调查的目的有二:第一,“中国在阿富汗的利益是什么?”第二,“阿富汗的恐怖主义能对中国的安全造成威胁吗?”为了检验上述问题,本论文在中国的复旦大学,吉林大学和厦门大学三所大学进行了定性和定量相结合的问卷调查。调查结果显示,中国在双边经贸交流合作很有兴趣,而且是阿富汗重建的一个积极倡导者---在该重建过程中中国投资开发了很多项目。中国在阿富汗不同项目的投资极大地促进了阿经济的发展。 本文还认为,中国面临的不安全问题直接与恐怖主义、阿富汗-中国边界贩毒有关。事实上,新疆的和平稳定对于中华人民共和国的发展具有极其重要的作用,因为它独特的地理位置使中国与中亚国家连接在一起,而这对于中国的发展尤为重要。 总之,本文通过调查发现,阿富汗和中国有着相同的兴趣和关注,两国都在寻找经贸合作,也都在努力打击严重威胁着它们的恐怖主义。问卷调查的公众意见也显示中国和阿富汗共有着共同的利益。 本文认为,中国外交政策外已经改变,中国在国际社会中也起着越来越重要的作用,因此安全和经济发展应成为中国稳定与和平的优先发展因素。从这个角度来说,本文建议中国应进一步关注东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动,中国中央政府已经意识到该组织对中国的主权造成了不安全性。
[Abstract]:Terrorism has become a global problem in international politics since the 9 / 11 attacks. It is therefore necessary to have a clear understanding of this issue as one of the most important themes of international security in recent years. Indeed, we live in a highly fragmented and violent global world, so it is particularly important to pay close attention to terrorism. It is therefore important here to revisit the issue of terrorism in Afghanistan, which has a significant impact on future international security. Not only is the United States a major target of attack, but China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region also faces terrorism, separatism and extremism. As a rising power with great influence in world politics, China is actively taking measures aimed at building trust and mutual respect in Central Asia-Afghanistan. Since the reform and opening up, China's foreign policy has undergone great changes. From isolation to cooperation, China has established diplomatic relations with many countries, including Afghanistan. The author has done a lot of research on this issue, entitled "Terrorism in Afghanistan and its impact on China". The purpose of the survey is twofold: first, "what are China's interests in Afghanistan?" Second, "can terrorism in Afghanistan pose a threat to China's security?" In order to test the above problems, a questionnaire survey was conducted in three universities of Fudan University, Jilin University and Xiamen University in China. The findings show that China is interested in bilateral economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, and is an active advocate of Afghanistan's reconstruction, a process in which China has invested in many projects. China's investment in different projects in Afghanistan has greatly promoted the development of Afghanistan's economy. This paper also argues that China's insecurity is directly related to terrorism and drug trafficking along the Afghan-Chinese border. In fact, Xinjiang's peace and stability play an extremely important role in the development of the people's Republic of China, because of its unique geographical position to link China with the Central Asian countries, which is particularly important for China's development. All in all, this paper finds that Afghanistan and China share the same interests and concerns, and both are seeking economic and trade cooperation, as well as trying to combat terrorism, which poses a serious threat to them. Public opinion from the survey also shows that China and Afghanistan share common interests. This paper holds that China's foreign policy has changed and China is playing an increasingly important role in the international community. Therefore, security and economic development should be the priority factors for China's stability and peace. From this point of view, this paper suggests that China should pay more attention to the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, which the central government has realized is unsafe for China's sovereignty.


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