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发布时间:2018-07-10 13:14

  本文选题:中国外交 + 联盟类型 ; 参考:《外交学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Alliance is a very common political phenomenon on the international political stage, and also a key strategic means of big country game. In the late Cold War, in order to safeguard its autonomy, China chose not to ally with any superpower. In the period after the Cold War, due to its own strength, China chose the non-alignment strategy to avoid stimulating the United States as a diplomatic policy. With the continuous improvement of China's national strength as a "rising power", it is inevitable that the United States will pay close attention to and block the "conservative states." deepening and expanding the network of alliance relations around China is an important part of the United States' strategy of encircling China. However, China has no effective strategic means to deal with it. In the face of the increasingly obvious structural contradiction between China and the United States, the voice of the alliance strategy in China is rising day by day, and the defenders of the non-aligned strategy are trying their best to advocate the rational action and necessity of the non-alignment strategy. The two sides focus on the current international political ecology, the source of China's strategy, the cost and benefits of the alliance, and so on. This paper holds that, first, the power politics of realism is still not out of date, all countries still act on the basis of it for the foreseeable future, hoping that "no good will" is extremely irresponsible for the survival and development of the great powers; Objectively speaking, it is a fact that the United States has stepped up its containment of China, coupled with China's traditional strategic thinking of subjectively stopping war as a weapon, which makes it inevitable for China to face up to the threat of the United States and adopt an effective strategy of shock and awe. Third, whether or not it adopts an alliance strategy, The US is already alert to China, so the alliance strategy has the advantages of increasing China's military insurance, making more real friends and defending China's expanding overseas interests. In addition, the great changes in China's domestic and foreign environment, the trend of the development of the relations between the major powers in the Asia-Pacific region, and the deepening conflicts of interests in the process of globalization have all increased the feasibility of the alliance strategy. The last attempt of this paper is to give some solutions to deal with "alliance resistance", and at the same time, it will talk about the problems that need to be faced when constructing alliance system, such as alliance type, matters needing attention and the priority direction of alliance, etc.


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