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发布时间:2018-07-12 21:51

  本文选题:金允植 + 亲华观 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为朝鲜近代稳健开化派人士的金允植,于1881年以领选使身份率朝鲜学员到天津学习近代军事技术,还曾参与《朝美条约》的谈判过程。其间遇到朝鲜国内发生“壬午军乱”,便积极请求并协助清朝出兵朝鲜平定“军乱”,并因其亲华态度而成为朝鲜政府内部的亲华派官员。金允植自天津回国后历任政府重要职务,并与清政府派驻朝鲜的袁世凯保持密切关系,,有关对华政策事务上继续表现出亲华的倾向。 本文拟通过考察金允植开化思想及其倾向以了解其亲华政策倾向的思想根源,进而详细考察其出使天津以及回国任职期间有关对华关系的具体行为,从而进一步了解其亲华观的阶段性演变对其政治生涯的实际影响乃至对当时中朝关系近代转型过程中的影响。 本文主要分为四个部分: 第一部分:介绍金允植的生平及早期思想倾向,并介绍其1881年出使中国前的中朝关系状况。 第二部分:论述金允植出使清朝所进行的对华活动,包括带领学员学习近代军事科学技术的公开活动;参与对美议约的秘密活动;以及朝鲜爆发“壬午军乱”后向中国“请兵”并协助清军渡朝作战的活动。这一阶段是金允植亲华观及其政策倾向形成并开始产生直接政治外交影响的过程。 第三部分:论述金允植在回国担任政府要职期间与袁世凯的密切关系尤其是在任外署督办期间的对华活动,包括对第一次“韩俄密约”事件的处理、对汉城撤栈事件的态度以及对华交涉等。这一阶段既是其亲华观的延续,同时有关国家民族利益的考量促使其亲华观的内涵出现了一些改变。 结语部分:通过对上述具体史实的阐述,了解金允植在对华活动中的观念发展,以及在朝鲜步入近代国际体系后中朝关系的变化。
[Abstract]:In 1881, Kim Yun-shih, a conservative and civilized personage in Korea, led the Korean cadets to Tianjin to study modern military technology and participated in the negotiation process of the "DPRK-US Treaty". During that time, when there was a "noninvincible army disorder" in the DPRK, he actively requested and assisted the Qing Dynasty to send troops to the DPRK to calm the "military chaos", and became a pro-China official in the DPRK government because of its pro-China attitude. Kim Yun-jee has held important government posts since the return of Tianjin and maintained close relations with the Yuan Shikai, which was stationed by the Qing government in North Korea, and has continued to show a pro-China tendency on matters of policy toward China. This paper intends to understand the ideological roots of his pro-China policy tendency by examining Jin Yun-shih 's civilized thoughts and their tendencies, and then to investigate in detail the specific behaviors concerning his relations with China during his mission to Tianjin and his return to office. Thus, we can further understand the influence of the stage evolution of his pro-China view on his political career and even on the process of the modern transformation of Sino-Korean relations at that time. This article is mainly divided into four parts: the first part: the introduction of Jin Yunzhi's life and early ideological tendencies, and his 1881 to China before the status of Sino-Korean relations. The second part discusses the activities of Jin Yunzhi's mission to China in the Qing Dynasty, including the open activities of leading the students to study modern military science and technology, participating in the secret activities of negotiating agreements with the United States; And North Korea after the outbreak of "Nonwu troops" to China, and to assist the Qing army fighting across Korea. This stage is the process of Jin Yunzhi's pro-Chinese view and its policy tendency forming and beginning to have direct political and diplomatic influence. The third part discusses the close relationship between Kim Yun-shih and Yuan Shikai during his return to China, especially the activities to China during his administration of the Foreign Office, including the handling of the first "Korea-Russia Treaty" incident. The attitude to the Seoul withdrawal and negotiations with China. This stage is not only the continuation of his view of pro-China, but also the consideration of the national interests of his country, which leads to some changes in the connotation of his view of pro-China. The conclusion part: by expounding the above specific historical facts, we can understand the concept development of Jin Yunzhi's activities towards China and the changes in Sino-Korean relations after Korea entered the modern international system.


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