发布时间:2018-07-13 14:25
【摘要】: 冷战结束,苏东集团解体之后,东欧亲苏俄政权纷纷下台,俄罗斯在东欧的势力范围一夜消失,对俄罗斯的军事战略有极大的影响。苏东的解体使俄罗斯在东欧没有了缓冲地带,在中亚及外高加索也与以往苏联时期直接掌握有着极大的不同。与此同时,欧美国家在开始对这些地区进行势力扩张,例如北约东扩及东欧国家加入欧盟等。而美国在中亚地区也有驻军并和其他区内国家进行军事合作。欧美的东扩令俄罗斯感受到威胁。由于俄罗斯一向以来均为军事大国,因此军事方面的回应成为俄罗斯对抗欧美力量东扩的重要手段。 为了对抗欧美的东扩,俄罗斯在俄罗斯欧洲地区、高加索及中亚这三个与欧美力量有接触的地区有着不同的军事部署。在俄罗斯欧洲部份,俄罗斯主要是针对东欧国家加入北约而进行相应的响应。在高加索则是针对与亲欧美的格鲁吉亚所发生的边境纠纷而作出相应的军事行动。在中亚,则是为了应付在911事件之后欧美在区内国家的驻军。 除了部署之外,俄罗斯为了对扩欧美力量的东扩也进行过两次实际的军事行动。第一次为1999年北约轰炸南斯拉夫之后,俄罗斯在没有事先通知北约的情况之下,派兵抢占科索沃首府的机场,使得俄军与北约形成对峙局面。第二次便为2008年的俄格战争,俄军对亲欧美的格鲁吉亚进行军事打击。这使得俄罗斯与欧美,特别是美国的关系非常紧张。 而对于美国希望在东欧部署反导系统一事,俄罗斯更是强烈地反对。俄罗斯认为这系统会影响到俄罗斯对美国的战略核打击能力,而核打击能力可以说是俄罗斯全球战略中的根本。为了反对美国的计划,俄罗斯作了很多相应的行动,如要在与北约接壤的飞地加里宁格勒部署弹道导弹及威胁波兰将会受到来打击等。 而面对欧美力量的东扩,俄罗斯在军事发展上也作出了相应的调整。由于俄罗斯在90年代的经济十分低迷,所以俄罗斯的军事科技发展更需要针对应付欧美力量东扩而作出调整。俄罗斯基本上集中资源去发展战略核武的战力,例如优先发展战略洲际弹道导弹等。而在战略思想方面,俄罗斯在全球进行了战略收缩,以集中在本土周边应付欧美力量东扩。而俄罗斯也鉴于自身的常规战力不及北约,所以俄罗斯调整了其核武的使用原则,降低了使用门坎,也更重视了战术核武。降低了核武的使用原则可以使俄罗斯常规部队在局部战争中未能击退入侵敌人的时候也可以使用核武来击退敌人。除此之外,俄罗斯也重视周边地区的区域联盟,以巩固俄罗斯在这些地区的影响力。 综观俄罗斯联邦成立的这二十年来,俄罗斯与欧美的关系时有起伏,其原因为即使俄罗斯基本上倾向于与欧美合作,但其对自己势力范围的认知与现实有差距,这使得当欧美扩张其势力时俄罗斯感到不满。只要俄罗斯对自己势力范围的认知与现实符合,俄罗斯与欧美的关系便会处于长期合作的状态。
[Abstract]:After the end of the cold war, after the disintegration of the Soviet Eastern Group, the pro Soviet Russian regime in Eastern Europe went down and the Russian forces in Eastern Europe disappeared overnight and had a great influence on the Russian military strategy. At the same time, the European and American countries began to expand their forces in these areas, such as the eastern expansion of NATO and the accession of the Eastern European countries to the EU. And the United States also had troops in Central Asia and had military cooperation with other countries in the region. The eastern expansion of the United States and Europe made Russia feel a threat. The military response has become an important means for Russia to resist the eastward expansion of European and American forces.
In order to combat the eastern expansion of Europe and the United States, Russia has different military deployments in the Russian European region, the Caucasus and Central Asia, the three areas in contact with the European and American forces. In the Russian European part, Russia mainly responds to the Eastern European countries' accession to NATO. In the Caucasus, it is aimed at the Georgian and European and American Georgian. The corresponding military action occurred in the border dispute. In Central Asia, it was to cope with the European and American garrison in the region after the 911 incident.
In addition to deployment, Russia has carried out two practical military operations to expand the eastern expansion of the European and American forces. After the first NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Russia, without prior notification of NATO, had sent troops to seize the airport in the capital of Kosovo, causing a confrontation between the Russian army and NATO. The second time was 2008. In the war of Georgia in the 1990s, the Russian army made a military strike against the pro European and American Georgian forces, which made Russia's relations with Europe and the United States, especially the United States very tense.
Russia is more strongly opposed to the United States' desire to deploy anti missile systems in Eastern Europe. Russia believes that the system will affect Russia's strategic nuclear strike on the United States, and the nuclear strike capability can be said to be the root of the Russian global strategy. In order to oppose the United States plan, Russia has done a lot of corresponding action, such as The deployment of ballistic missiles and threats to Poland in the enclave of Kaliningrad will be dealt with.
In the face of the eastern expansion of the European and American forces, Russia has also made a corresponding adjustment in the military development. Since Russia's economic downturn in 90s, Russia's military science and technology development needs to be adjusted to cope with the eastern expansion of the European and American forces. Russia has basically concentrated resources to develop the strategic nuclear force, such as priority. Developing strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles and so on. In strategic thinking, Russia made a strategic contraction around the world to concentrate on the local periphery to cope with the eastward expansion of the European and American forces. And Russia, in view of its own conventional forces, was less than NATO, so Russia has adjusted its use of nuclear weapons, reduced the use of the threshold, and paid more attention to the tactical nuclear. By reducing the principle of use of nuclear weapons, the Russian conventional forces can also use nuclear weapons to attack the enemy when they fail to retreat to the enemy in a local war. In addition, Russia also attaches importance to the regional alliance in the surrounding areas to consolidate the power of Russia in these areas.
In the twenty years of the founding of Russian Federation, Russia and Europe and the United States have undulated relations. The reason is that even Russia is basically inclined to cooperate with Europe and the United States, but there is a gap between the cognition and reality of its own sphere of influence, which makes Russia feel dissatisfied with the expansion of its forces in Europe and the United States. In accordance with the reality, the relationship between Russia and Europe and the United States will be in long-term cooperation.
[Abstract]:After the end of the cold war, after the disintegration of the Soviet Eastern Group, the pro Soviet Russian regime in Eastern Europe went down and the Russian forces in Eastern Europe disappeared overnight and had a great influence on the Russian military strategy. At the same time, the European and American countries began to expand their forces in these areas, such as the eastern expansion of NATO and the accession of the Eastern European countries to the EU. And the United States also had troops in Central Asia and had military cooperation with other countries in the region. The eastern expansion of the United States and Europe made Russia feel a threat. The military response has become an important means for Russia to resist the eastward expansion of European and American forces.
In order to combat the eastern expansion of Europe and the United States, Russia has different military deployments in the Russian European region, the Caucasus and Central Asia, the three areas in contact with the European and American forces. In the Russian European part, Russia mainly responds to the Eastern European countries' accession to NATO. In the Caucasus, it is aimed at the Georgian and European and American Georgian. The corresponding military action occurred in the border dispute. In Central Asia, it was to cope with the European and American garrison in the region after the 911 incident.
In addition to deployment, Russia has carried out two practical military operations to expand the eastern expansion of the European and American forces. After the first NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, Russia, without prior notification of NATO, had sent troops to seize the airport in the capital of Kosovo, causing a confrontation between the Russian army and NATO. The second time was 2008. In the war of Georgia in the 1990s, the Russian army made a military strike against the pro European and American Georgian forces, which made Russia's relations with Europe and the United States, especially the United States very tense.
Russia is more strongly opposed to the United States' desire to deploy anti missile systems in Eastern Europe. Russia believes that the system will affect Russia's strategic nuclear strike on the United States, and the nuclear strike capability can be said to be the root of the Russian global strategy. In order to oppose the United States plan, Russia has done a lot of corresponding action, such as The deployment of ballistic missiles and threats to Poland in the enclave of Kaliningrad will be dealt with.
In the face of the eastern expansion of the European and American forces, Russia has also made a corresponding adjustment in the military development. Since Russia's economic downturn in 90s, Russia's military science and technology development needs to be adjusted to cope with the eastern expansion of the European and American forces. Russia has basically concentrated resources to develop the strategic nuclear force, such as priority. Developing strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles and so on. In strategic thinking, Russia made a strategic contraction around the world to concentrate on the local periphery to cope with the eastward expansion of the European and American forces. And Russia, in view of its own conventional forces, was less than NATO, so Russia has adjusted its use of nuclear weapons, reduced the use of the threshold, and paid more attention to the tactical nuclear. By reducing the principle of use of nuclear weapons, the Russian conventional forces can also use nuclear weapons to attack the enemy when they fail to retreat to the enemy in a local war. In addition, Russia also attaches importance to the regional alliance in the surrounding areas to consolidate the power of Russia in these areas.
In the twenty years of the founding of Russian Federation, Russia and Europe and the United States have undulated relations. The reason is that even Russia is basically inclined to cooperate with Europe and the United States, but there is a gap between the cognition and reality of its own sphere of influence, which makes Russia feel dissatisfied with the expansion of its forces in Europe and the United States. In accordance with the reality, the relationship between Russia and Europe and the United States will be in long-term cooperation.
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