[Abstract]:Sino-Japanese relations are one of the most important bilateral relations for both sides. However, Sino-Japanese relations are complex and volatile, with ups and downs. In July 2012, Japanese Prime Minister Noda announced that the Diaoyu Islands would be nationalized, resulting in the overall deterioration of Sino-Japanese relations. From strategic reciprocity to tense confrontation. In view of the historical and cultural background and geo-strategic pattern of China and Japan, on the one hand, China and Japan should, on the one hand, establish a strategic relationship of mutual trust based on the present situation, and in the spirit of the principles of the four political documents between China and Japan, properly resolve the issue of historical understanding through negotiations. On the other hand, China and Japan should look to the future, "on the basis of mutual strategic interests," constantly consolidate and expand strategic reciprocal relations, and develop bilateral relations in an all-round way. The mutually beneficial cooperation at the regional and international levels will bring Sino-Japanese relations back to the origin of strategic reciprocity as soon as possible.
【作者单位】: 吉林省社会科学院日本研究所;
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