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发布时间:2018-08-07 07:58
[Abstract]:China is a developing country and a big country. In view of this, China should adhere to the basic principles of balance of power and responsibility and mutual benefit in fulfilling its international responsibilities. It is not only to maintain the stability of the existing international order, but also to promote a more just and reasonable change and improvement of the international order. China's international responsibility is not to safeguard the private interests of some Western countries, but mainly to safeguard and promote the common interests of developing countries and all mankind. As a "responsible developing country," China should continue to regard the developing countries as the key areas for its implementation of the responsibilities of the great powers, so as to advance the process of world peace and development. Through its ever-increasing international responsibility, China has not only significantly expanded its own space for international cooperation, enhanced its own international influence and voice, but also promoted the process of peace and development in developing countries. Reasonable changes in the international order and enhancement of the common well-being of all mankind. China is telling the world by its own actions that China's development will benefit not only itself, but the world as well.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党校国际战略研究所中国外交研究室;


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6 李g,




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