发布时间:2018-08-12 15:02
【摘要】: 新中国成立前后,刘少奇已是党中央仅次于毛泽东地位的主要领导人,在党内享有崇高的声誉。在历史的转折关头,他两次率团访问苏联,都取得了圆满的成功,并对中国历史的发展产生了深远的影响。新中国成立后,他负责处理中苏关系的具体事务,并担任了中苏友好协会总会的第一任会长,成为引导中苏两国交流的一面旗帜,为发展、巩固中苏两国的友好关系做出了杰出的贡献。他担任中苏友好协会总会长的这段时期,成为了历史上中苏关系最好的时期。 作为中苏两国结盟谈判的先行使者,他率领访苏代表团成功地释解了中共与苏共两党间的猜疑和疑惑,促进了两党的团结;使得边倒”的外交战略得到了苏联的积极支持;并争取到了苏联在经济、政治、文化、军事等方面的支持和援助,为新中国的建立、国民经济的恢复和发展、国际地位的提升疏通了渠道。他的这些卓越的外交实践,已经作为新中国外交的范例载入了史册,为今天的外交活动提供了许多有价值的参考。作为中苏两党两国友好关系发展的推动者和巩固者、中苏两国交流的积极倡导者和实践者。他领导下的中苏友好协会,把两国间交流的纽带作用发挥到最大:促成了学习苏联热潮的形成、极大地巩固和发展了两党两国的关系;并对新中国的经济、政治、文化的进步产生了积极的推动作用。刘少奇所做的工作,促成并巩固了“一边倒”战略,在今天看来这一战略不算完美,但在当时,却是一个符合逻辑,而又有着重大历史意义的正确战略选择。
[Abstract]:Before and after the founding of the people's Republic of China, Liu Shaoqi is the main leader of the CPC Central Committee after the Mao Zedong, and enjoys a high reputation in the Party. At the turning point in history, he led two missions to the Soviet Union, both of which had a complete success and had a profound impact on the development of Chinese history. After the founding of New China, he was in charge of handling the specific affairs of Sino-Soviet relations, and served as the first president of the China-Soviet Friendship Association. He became a banner to guide the exchanges between China and the Soviet Union and for the development of the two countries. The consolidation of friendly relations between China and the Soviet Union has made outstanding contributions. His time as president of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association was the best in history. As the leading envoy of the alliance negotiations between China and the Soviet Union, he led a delegation to the Soviet Union to successfully explain the suspicion and doubt between the CPC and the Soviet Communist Party, to promote the unity of the two parties, and to make the diplomatic strategy of "edge leaning" have been actively supported by the Soviet Union. And won the Soviet Union in the economic, political, cultural, military and other aspects of support and assistance, for the establishment of new China, the recovery and development of the national economy, the promotion of international status channels. His outstanding diplomatic practice has been recorded in history as an example of New China's diplomacy, and has provided many valuable references for today's diplomatic activities. As the promoter of the development of the friendly relations between the two parties and the two countries, the active advocate and practitioner of the exchanges between China and the Soviet Union. The Sino-Soviet Friendship Association, under his leadership, played the greatest role as a link for exchanges between the two countries: it contributed to the formation of the Soviet upsurge, greatly consolidated and developed the relations between the two parties and two countries, and made a great contribution to the economic and political aspects of New China. The progress of culture has produced a positive impetus. The work done by Liu Shaoqi has promoted and consolidated the "one-sided" strategy, which is not perfect in today's view, but at that time, it was a logical and historic right strategic choice.
[Abstract]:Before and after the founding of the people's Republic of China, Liu Shaoqi is the main leader of the CPC Central Committee after the Mao Zedong, and enjoys a high reputation in the Party. At the turning point in history, he led two missions to the Soviet Union, both of which had a complete success and had a profound impact on the development of Chinese history. After the founding of New China, he was in charge of handling the specific affairs of Sino-Soviet relations, and served as the first president of the China-Soviet Friendship Association. He became a banner to guide the exchanges between China and the Soviet Union and for the development of the two countries. The consolidation of friendly relations between China and the Soviet Union has made outstanding contributions. His time as president of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association was the best in history. As the leading envoy of the alliance negotiations between China and the Soviet Union, he led a delegation to the Soviet Union to successfully explain the suspicion and doubt between the CPC and the Soviet Communist Party, to promote the unity of the two parties, and to make the diplomatic strategy of "edge leaning" have been actively supported by the Soviet Union. And won the Soviet Union in the economic, political, cultural, military and other aspects of support and assistance, for the establishment of new China, the recovery and development of the national economy, the promotion of international status channels. His outstanding diplomatic practice has been recorded in history as an example of New China's diplomacy, and has provided many valuable references for today's diplomatic activities. As the promoter of the development of the friendly relations between the two parties and the two countries, the active advocate and practitioner of the exchanges between China and the Soviet Union. The Sino-Soviet Friendship Association, under his leadership, played the greatest role as a link for exchanges between the two countries: it contributed to the formation of the Soviet upsurge, greatly consolidated and developed the relations between the two parties and two countries, and made a great contribution to the economic and political aspects of New China. The progress of culture has produced a positive impetus. The work done by Liu Shaoqi has promoted and consolidated the "one-sided" strategy, which is not perfect in today's view, but at that time, it was a logical and historic right strategic choice.
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1 景红霞;苏联与新中国“一五”计划的制定和实施[D];山西大学;2012年
2 李沛亮;建国初期江苏省中苏友好协会研究(1949-1956)[D];南京大学;2013年