[Abstract]:Since the 21 st century, public diplomacy has been paid more and more attention all over the world. China, as a new force in the international political arena, started late in public diplomacy, but it has made great progress under the attention of the government and academic circles, and has been called "charm offensive" by international public opinion. The United States was the first country to put forward the concept of "public diplomacy" after the end of World War II. It is also the country with the largest scale of public diplomacy and the most mature public diplomacy system in the world. Southeast Asia has always been regarded as an important geo-strategic area by China and the United States. China is committed to creating a stable and favorable surrounding environment for its own development, while the United States proposes to return to Southeast Asia in order to maintain its global leadership. In recent years, Southeast Asia has become the meeting point of various forces of the two countries, and ASEAN countries have undoubtedly become the stage of public diplomacy contest between the two countries. Based on the concept of public diplomacy, this paper sets up a comparative analysis framework, analyzes in detail the historical and realistic background and specific practical activities of China and the United States in the early 21st century to carry out public diplomacy in ASEAN countries. On this basis, it is compared from four dimensions: strategic concept, organization mechanism, method and strategy, and implementation effect. China and the United States have different strategic concepts, and their public diplomacy aims to serve their overall foreign strategy, and the core concepts to be conveyed through public diplomacy are rooted in their respective historical and cultural traditions and development achievements. The United States has a more mature mechanism for public diplomacy organizations and advanced scientific methods and strategies, while China has just established an embryonic model of public diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, which is set up in government institutions with the participation of non-government subjects. The influence of media platform and network application, the content and form of communication, the pertinence of strategy and so on are different from those of America. The results of the ASEAN public opinion survey confirm China's efforts in public diplomacy, but the United States has achieved more remarkable results and has explored the establishment of an independent and comprehensive evaluation system. China has not yet formed a plan for quantitative assessment. So the argument that China has overtaken the United States in public diplomacy is clearly untenable. China needs to learn from the United States and learn from its success on the basis of adhering to the policy of "being good with its neighbors and taking its neighbors as partners" and the diplomatic concept of "harmonious world".
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