[Abstract]:Propaganda war is an important part of modern war. Since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, based on the reality of the low level of economic development in Afghanistan, it has become the main channel for Taliban propaganda to disseminate information through the media such as radio station, audio tape, mobile phone and so on. With the development of modern communication media, the Taliban began to use Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites to publish information, and good at using Western media to disseminate its ideas and ideas. The Taliban propaganda war has weakened the moral superiority of the United States in waging the war in Afghanistan, increased the difficulty of US military operations in Afghanistan and slowed the process of national reconstruction in Afghanistan. The anti-Taliban propaganda war of the United States and its allies shows that in modern society, the use of network technology to harness and manipulate more information resources and social influence is increasingly becoming an important means of international political power game.
【作者单位】: 闽南师范大学马克思主义学院;
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