[Abstract]:Energy is an important foundation for the progress and development of human society, and also plays an important role in the economic and social development of our country. The energy storage of African countries is very rich, and the energy cooperation between China and African countries is very important to our economic development. China's non-energy diplomacy has made great achievements, but at the same time, China's non-energy diplomacy also faces three constraints from Africa, the international community and China. To some extent, these constraints have hindered the pace of China's non-energy diplomacy. China's strategic choice for non-energy diplomacy should be combined with the national conditions of China and African countries, and should be based on energy trade cooperation, supplemented by assistance to Africa, and at the same time, it should adhere to the combination of "going out" and "diversification." In order to achieve the ultimate goal of promoting mutual benefit and common development between China and Africa. This paper is composed of four parts, the first part is the introduction part. The second part describes the related theories of energy diplomacy, the energy storage in African countries and the general situation of energy diplomacy between Africa and Africa. The third part expounds the restrictive factors in the process of China's non-energy diplomacy. The fourth part expounds the strategic countermeasures to solve all kinds of constraints. The purpose of this paper is to provide valuable strategic thinking for China's further development of non-energy diplomacy through the study of the restrictive factors of China-Africa energy diplomacy.
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