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发布时间:2018-10-16 21:30
【摘要】:新中国成立后,中日两国都面临重建经济的重任,迫切需要发展两国关系,但在当时美苏两极格局影响下,中日关系的发展受到了美国的强力阻挠,日本当局采取了对美“一边倒”的外交方针,实行“政经分离”的原则,拒绝同新中国发展官方关系。针对这种情况,中日两国民间人士率先行动起来,从经贸关系入手,采取“以经促政”,“以民促官”,“官民并举”的渐进积累方式,开展了广泛的民间外交活动。在经济、文化等各个方面、各个领域取得了丰硕的成果,最终促成了中日官方外交的建立。中日民间外交是发展中日关系的传统优势,而1949-1972年间的中日民间外交在民间外交的发展史上最具典型性,所以对这一阶段中日民间外交进行深入研究,对当前中日关系的发展具有重要的现实意义。 本文通过对1949-1972年间中日民间外交过程的梳理,分析了新中国成立初期中日没能发展外交关系的原因,同时也采用了一分为二的方法,分析了在当时的历史条件下中日发展民间外交的可能性;然后对1949-1972年中日民间外交取得的丰硕成果,以及这段时间中日民间外交所呈现出的特点和为中日建交所发挥的积极作用等作深入剖析;最后试就1949-1972年中日民间外交呈现的局限性,以及从中得到的启示作粗浅总结。 文章的结论是:鉴于中日官方关系的发展呈现出起伏跌宕的特点,双方应充分发挥民间外交在发展两国关系中的积极作用,规避其消极作用。重视民间外交在改善两国关系中的积极作用;积极探寻中、美、日三国共同利益,构筑中、美、日三边良性发展关系;建立多层次的民间交往机制,保障中日民间外交的平稳运行;积极培育中国公民社会,采用多种方法和手段来发展民间外交。用民间外交的发展来推动官方关系的发展。
[Abstract]:After the founding of New China, both China and Japan were faced with the task of rebuilding their economies and urgently needed to develop relations between the two countries.However, under the influence of the two-pole pattern of the United States and the Soviet Union at that time, the development of Sino-Japanese relations was strongly obstructed by the United States. Japanese authorities adopted a "one-sided" diplomatic policy toward the United States, implemented the principle of "separation of politics and economy" and refused to develop official relations with New China. In view of this situation, the folk figures of China and Japan took the lead in taking action, starting with economic and trade relations, taking a gradual accumulation mode of "promoting government by economy", "promoting officials by the people", and "promoting both officials and people", and carrying out extensive folk diplomatic activities. In economy, culture and other aspects, various fields have achieved fruitful results, and finally contributed to the establishment of official diplomacy between China and Japan. Sino-Japanese folk diplomacy is the traditional advantage in the development of Sino-Japanese relations, and the Sino-Japanese folk diplomacy from 1949 to 1972 is the most typical in the history of folk diplomacy. It is of great practical significance to the development of Sino-Japanese relations. By combing the process of folk diplomacy between China and Japan from 1949 to 1972, this paper analyzes the reasons for the failure to develop diplomatic relations between China and Japan in the early days of the founding of New China, and at the same time adopts the method of dividing into two. This paper analyzes the possibility of developing folk diplomacy between China and Japan under the historical conditions at that time, and then makes an analysis of the fruitful achievements made by China and Japan in folk diplomacy from 1949 to 1972. The characteristics of Sino-Japanese folk diplomacy and the positive role played by the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan during this period are deeply analyzed, and the limitations of Sino-Japanese folk diplomacy from 1949 to 1972 and the enlightenment from them are summarized. In view of the ups and downs in the development of official relations between China and Japan, both sides should give full play to the positive role of folk diplomacy in the development of bilateral relations and avoid its negative role. Attach importance to the positive role of folk diplomacy in improving the relations between the two countries; actively explore the common interests of China, the United States, and Japan; and build a healthy trilateral relationship between China, the United States and Japan; and establish a multi-level mechanism for people-to-people exchanges. To ensure the smooth operation of Sino-Japanese folk diplomacy, actively cultivate Chinese civil society, and adopt various methods and means to develop folk diplomacy. Use the development of folk diplomacy to promote the development of official relations.


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