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发布时间:2018-10-21 07:46
【摘要】:2009年,奥巴马打着“变革”的口号荣登总统宝座。面对着国内外形势的变化与小布什政府伊核政策的失败,奥巴马总统积极改变过去的政策,宣称要主要采取“接触”政策来应对伊朗核问题,但在实施的过程中,却受到了种种因素的制约。如今两年多过去了,伊朗核问题并没有任何起色,美国和伊朗之间的敌对关系也并未发生任何改变,令人着实不解。全文基于伊朗核问题的历史,重点探讨奥巴马政府的伊核政策,以期可以更好地理解奥巴马政府伊核政策的本质,理解奥巴马政府伊核政策未有成效的原因。 论文的第一部分重点介绍伊朗核问题的由来及影响。通过对伊朗核问题演变过程的描述及分析,得出伊朗核问题的实质是美伊关系问题,通过对伊朗获得核武器后可能出现的结果分析,使人们更好地理解美国对伊朗核问题态度坚决的原因。第二部分重点探讨小布什政府与奥巴马政府的伊核政策,指出奥巴马政府的政策与小布什时期相比,并没有发生多大变化。奥巴马政府一直宣称的“接触”政策并未起多大作用,反而与小布什政府时期的趋同。因为该政策实施的过程中受到了多种因素的制约,如有美国内部因素:小布什政府伊核政策的经验和教训、意识形态等。此外,还有美国的外部因素:中东地区政策格局的变化、大国的制约等。第三部分重要介绍美国和伊朗在核问题上的博弈。文章指出,未来奥巴马政府的首要目标依旧是防止核扩散,在应对伊朗核问题过程中仍将采取“接触”与“遏制”相结合的手段。文章还预测了伊朗政府将会继续采取现行政策,积极发展其核能力建设,将继续与各大国周旋,同时也保持有足够的回旋空间。
[Abstract]:In 2009, Obama became president under the slogan "change." In the face of changes at home and abroad and the failure of the Bush administration's Iraq nuclear policy, President Obama actively changed his past policy and declared that he would mainly adopt a "engagement" policy to deal with the Iranian nuclear issue, but in the process of implementation, However, it was restricted by various factors. Now, more than two years later, the Iranian nuclear issue has not improved, and the hostile relations between the United States and Iran have not changed in any way. Based on the history of the Iranian nuclear issue, this paper focuses on the Obama administration's Iraq nuclear policy, in order to better understand the essence of the Obama administration's Iraq nuclear policy and understand the reasons why the Obama administration's Iraq nuclear policy has not been effective. The first part focuses on the origin and influence of the Iranian nuclear issue. Through the description and analysis of the evolution of the Iranian nuclear issue, it is concluded that the essence of the Iranian nuclear issue is the issue of US-Iran relations, and through the analysis of the possible results after Iran acquires nuclear weapons, A better understanding of why the United States is resolute on the Iranian nuclear issue. The second part focuses on the Iraq nuclear policy of the Bush administration and the Obama administration, pointing out that the Obama administration's policy has not changed much compared with the Bush administration. The Obama administration's long-proclaimed engagement policy has not helped much, but has converged with the Bush administration. This is because the implementation of the policy is restricted by many factors, such as the internal factors of the United States: the experience and lessons of the Bush administration's Iraq nuclear policy, ideology, and so on. In addition, there are the external factors of the United States: the change of policy pattern in the Middle East, the constraints of big powers. The third part mainly introduces the game between the United States and Iran on the nuclear issue. The article noted that the Obama administration's primary goal in the future is to prevent nuclear proliferation and that it will continue to adopt a combination of "engagement" and "containment" in dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue. The article also predicts that the Iranian government will continue to adopt current policies, actively develop its nuclear capacity, continue to work with the major powers, and at the same time maintain sufficient room for manoeuvre.


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