发布时间:2018-10-23 17:07
【摘要】:阿富汗战争已经进入第11个年头,这场战争成为美国有史以来参与时间最长的战争。随着美军在伊拉克战场撤出,美国海外战争重心再次回到阿富汗战场。阿富汗战争议题在美国外交和国内政治中的地位愈加凸显。 奥巴马政府上台以后,马上抛出了“阿富汗巴基斯坦新战略”。此后,奥巴马又在西点军校和几次阿富汗巴基斯坦战略评估中进一步阐述了其在阿富汗战场的战略和政策。奥巴马政府在阿富汗战场的新战略和政策引起了广泛关注和激烈争论。 本文的研究对象是奥巴马任期前两年美国在阿富汗的战略和政策。本文首先回顾了奥巴马政府上台以来的阿富汗战略的演变,并分析了其战略变化的原因。之后,详细分析了当前奥巴马政府在阿富汗战场实施的一些具体政策。在此基础上,评析了奥巴马政府的阿富汗战略和政策,初步得出以下几点结论:从阿富汗战场退出是当前奥巴马政府阿富汗战略的首要战略目标,而塑造对美最有利的退出态势则是主要任务;奥巴马政府阿富汗战略所宣示的“反恐”目标与实际上实施的平叛战略相矛盾;奥巴马任期前两年,其阿富汗战略总体上是成功的,但今后将面临更多的挑战。未来奥巴马政府阿富汗战略的走向,将取决于阿富汗战场、美国国内政治和国际社会三个层面上的形势状况。
[Abstract]:The war in Afghanistan has entered its eleventh year, making it the longest war the United States has ever fought. With the withdrawal of US troops in Iraq, the focus of the American war abroad returned to Afghanistan. The issue of war in Afghanistan has become increasingly prominent in American diplomacy and domestic politics. When the Obama administration came to power, it threw out a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since then, Obama has further elaborated on his strategy and policies on the battlefield at West Point and in several Afghanistan and Pakistan strategic reviews. The Obama administration's new strategy and policy in Afghanistan has aroused widespread concern and heated debate. The object of this paper is the strategy and policy of the United States in Afghanistan in the first two years of Obama's term of office. This paper first reviews the evolution of the Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy since it came to power, and analyzes the reasons for its strategic change. Then, the detailed analysis of the current Obama administration in Afghanistan the implementation of some specific policies. On this basis, this paper analyzes the Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy and policy, and draws the following conclusions: withdrawal from the Afghan battlefield is the primary strategic goal of the current Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy. Shaping the most favorable exit for the United States is the main task; the Obama administration's "counter-terrorism" goals as stated in its Afghanistan strategy are at odds with the counter-insurgency strategy that is actually being implemented; and the first two years of his term in office, Its Afghanistan strategy was generally successful, but there will be more challenges ahead. The future direction of the Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy will depend on the state of affairs at the three levels of the Afghan battlefield, domestic politics and the international community.
[Abstract]:The war in Afghanistan has entered its eleventh year, making it the longest war the United States has ever fought. With the withdrawal of US troops in Iraq, the focus of the American war abroad returned to Afghanistan. The issue of war in Afghanistan has become increasingly prominent in American diplomacy and domestic politics. When the Obama administration came to power, it threw out a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since then, Obama has further elaborated on his strategy and policies on the battlefield at West Point and in several Afghanistan and Pakistan strategic reviews. The Obama administration's new strategy and policy in Afghanistan has aroused widespread concern and heated debate. The object of this paper is the strategy and policy of the United States in Afghanistan in the first two years of Obama's term of office. This paper first reviews the evolution of the Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy since it came to power, and analyzes the reasons for its strategic change. Then, the detailed analysis of the current Obama administration in Afghanistan the implementation of some specific policies. On this basis, this paper analyzes the Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy and policy, and draws the following conclusions: withdrawal from the Afghan battlefield is the primary strategic goal of the current Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy. Shaping the most favorable exit for the United States is the main task; the Obama administration's "counter-terrorism" goals as stated in its Afghanistan strategy are at odds with the counter-insurgency strategy that is actually being implemented; and the first two years of his term in office, Its Afghanistan strategy was generally successful, but there will be more challenges ahead. The future direction of the Obama administration's Afghanistan strategy will depend on the state of affairs at the three levels of the Afghan battlefield, domestic politics and the international community.
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