[Abstract]:China is in the dual opportunity period of domestic system reform and diplomatic strategic transformation. It is necessary to transform effectively between economic strength and actual influence in foreign exchanges in order to realize national interests. The national marketing theory can be used to analyze the formulation and implementation of China's diplomatic strategy. The analysis framework of diplomatic strategy from the perspective of national marketing includes three parts: national strategic positioning and road selection, design of diplomatic strategic system and implementation of diplomatic strategy. China's diplomacy must first find the right national position at the international system level, the right policy position at the domestic level, and make a clear choice on the diplomatic route. China has gradually made economic diplomacy a core foreign policy, supplemented by public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, and other policy means, focusing on the core issue of "effective transformation between power and power." The medium-level and micro-level diplomatic layout. China still has much room for development in the implementation of diplomatic strategies such as value building, market segmentation and sales promotion channels.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学国际关系学院;对外经济贸易大学经济外交研究中心;
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