[Abstract]:In today's world, the threat of war is weakened, and the security problems outside the war are numerous and complicated. It extends to all fields of human life, breaks through all kinds of new and old security barriers, and poses a security threat to all actors, such as countries, individuals and so on. In view of the uncertainty of the security situation, it is necessary to construct a new security concept and establish a great vision across time and space on the basis of transcending the traditional national center, the supremacy of power and interests, and the strong subdued zero-sum security concept. It accords with the value standard of human being as a natural part and the most active role of society and a systematic grand strategic view. The purpose of the new security concept is to understand and grasp the security essence of balanced development, to comprehensively consider the deployment of national power, and to make use of different strategies and means. Its objective is to achieve integrated security in all spheres of society within States and common security among the various actors of the world, between human beings and nature, in order to ensure realistic security and lasting peace in the future based on it, Finally, the loop security without boundary is realized.
【作者单位】: 中国现代国际关系研究院;北京交通大学中国产业安全研究中心;
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