[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization and the expansion of the impact of scientific and technological globalization, the contest of comprehensive national strength based on economic and technological strength has become the core of international competition, and science and technology diplomacy has become an important component of the development of foreign relations. As the ruling party of China, the Communist Party of China is the leading core of the construction of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. It is of profound theoretical significance and practical value to study the science and technology diplomacy of the Communist Party of China in practice and theory. The first part defines the concept of science and technology diplomacy, analyzes the internal mechanism of science and technology diplomacy: science and technology has a profound impact on international relations; Science and technology diplomacy has the dual advantages of soft power and hard power, it has the dual interaction between science and technology and diplomacy, and science and technology diplomacy expands the connotation and extension of foreign relations and promotes the international cooperation and the development of the country itself. The second part expounds the development course of the science and technology diplomacy of the Communist Party of China, including the preparatory stage of the science and technology diplomacy of the Communist Party of China (1921-1949), the initial stage of establishment (1949-1956), the stage of tortuous development (1956-1978). Mature stage (1978-1992) and great development stage (1992-2010). The third part is the theoretical analysis, through the combination with the second part to summarize and refine the development of the theory of science and technology diplomacy of the Communist Party of China, including the cornerstone of the theory: independence, self-reliance, theoretical breakthrough: science and technology to promote diplomacy, overall consideration; Innovation of theory: guided by national interests, science and technology diplomacy serves the economic construction, and the deepening of theory: we give priority to ourselves, equality and mutual benefit, so that science and technology diplomacy rises to the level of national strategy. The fourth part puts forward policy suggestions. The Communist Party of China should adhere to the Party's leadership over the cause of science and technology diplomacy, regard accelerating the development of science and technology diplomacy as an important support for promoting the construction of an innovative country. We should attach great importance to science and technology diplomacy from a strategic point of view, formulate a correct development strategy for science and technology diplomacy, strengthen the relationship between science and technology diplomacy and diplomacy in other fields, do a good job in strategic coordination between science and technology diplomacy and overall diplomacy, and base ourselves on development to meet the challenges.
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