发布时间:2018-11-07 19:33
【摘要】:本文由引言、正文和结语三大部分组成。引言主要阐述了选题目的和意义以及国内外研究动态。 正文分为四个部分。第一部分回顾了希土双边关系的发展历程。自1923年以来,希腊和土耳其双边关系发展经历了三个阶段。第一阶段为20世纪20年代到20世纪50年代,两国关系相对缓和。第二阶段为20世纪50年代中期至20世纪90年代末,总体上来看,两国关系紧张,但双方积极谈判协商,关系时有缓和。两国关系陷入冲突—协商—冲突的循环中。第三阶段为1999年至今。随着冷战的结束和苏联的解体,地缘政治环境发生了改变。两国走向合作,关系初步缓和。1999年,希腊和土耳其相继发生地震。随着“地震外交”的开展,两国关系全面缓和,,各领域之间的合作不断加强。希土关系的发展进入了一个新时期。 第二部分主要分析了两国关系全面缓和的表现。两国在政治、经济、军事等方面展开了合作与交流。政治上来看,政治交往频繁。一是高层互访不断,对话频繁;二是达成了一系列建立信任措施条款。经济上来看,两国经贸联系密切,贸易额大幅增加。军事上来看,传统威胁认知弱化,双方不再将彼此视作国家安全的主要威胁。此外,其他领域合作也有所加强,两国在旅游、文化、环保、贸易和打击有组织犯罪、非法移民、毒品走私和恐怖主义等方面都展开了合作。 第三部分主要从国家层面和国际层面两方面分析了两国关系全面缓和的原因。从国家层面来看,本文主要从政治、经济、文化、外交和社会五个方面分析。两国关系全面缓和的根源是两国国内政治环境的变化,真正推动力是两国外交政策的改变。两国关系全面缓和是两国经济发展的必然要求,深层次原因在于传统观念和认同的转变,也得益于两国民间社会交流的推动。从国际层面来看,地区的不稳定使得双方加强了合作,加速了两国关系的缓和。北约干涉科索沃危机为两国的合作提供了契机。此外,第三方力量是希土关系全面缓和的催化剂。欧盟对希腊和土耳其关系的缓和起到了促进和激励作用,美国有效地遏制了希土战争的发生,联合国是两国纠纷的积极调解者。 第四部分阐述了两国关系发展的前景。两国关系的制约因素主要包括沉重的历史包袱、公众舆论的影响以及悬而未决的敏感政治问题。两国历史上的敌对关系,对彼此的不信任与怀疑直接影响了现代两国的双边关系。两国领导人害怕被贴上“妥协者”的标签,他们担心其政治地位受到影响,所以在制定外交政策时往往会被公众舆论所牵制。塞浦路斯问题和爱琴海纠纷迟迟得不到解决,并且很难彻底解决,无疑成为了阻碍两国关系发展的巨大障碍。在全球化的大背景下,作为邻国的希腊和土耳其,只有合作,才能共赢。两国需要摆脱历史包袱,转变安全观念,逐步增强信任,解决“高政治问题”,坚持原则性与灵活性并重,保持主体民族主义与国家民族主义均衡发展。 结语对本文做了综合性小结。两国关系虽然由霍布斯文化转向洛克文化,由敌人转变为竞争对手,但是两国的和解仍然处于初级阶段,十分脆弱。两国关系的完全正常化仍需时日。
[Abstract]:This paper is composed of the introduction, the text and the conclusion. The introduction mainly expounds the purpose and significance of the selection, as well as the research developments at home and abroad. The text is divided into four part. The first part reviews the development of the bilateral relations in the west Since 1923, the development of bilateral relations between Greece and Turkey has experienced three The first phase was from the 1920s to the 1950s, with the relationship between the two countries The second stage is the end of the mid-1950 's to the end of the 1990s, in general, the relations between the two countries are tense, but the two sides have a positive negotiation and negotiation. The two countries are in conflict with each other and have been in conflict with each other in the course of the conflict. The third phase is 1999. So far, with the end of the cold war and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the geopolitical environment has taken place in 1999, Greece and Turkey took place. With the development of the 鈥渆arthquake diplomacy鈥
[Abstract]:This paper is composed of the introduction, the text and the conclusion. The introduction mainly expounds the purpose and significance of the selection, as well as the research developments at home and abroad. The text is divided into four part. The first part reviews the development of the bilateral relations in the west Since 1923, the development of bilateral relations between Greece and Turkey has experienced three The first phase was from the 1920s to the 1950s, with the relationship between the two countries The second stage is the end of the mid-1950 's to the end of the 1990s, in general, the relations between the two countries are tense, but the two sides have a positive negotiation and negotiation. The two countries are in conflict with each other and have been in conflict with each other in the course of the conflict. The third phase is 1999. So far, with the end of the cold war and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the geopolitical environment has taken place in 1999, Greece and Turkey took place. With the development of the 鈥渆arthquake diplomacy鈥