[Abstract]:In recent years, the global terrorist attacks intensified, the terrorist forces began to spread to the central cities of various countries. As the transportation network of dangerous goods in cities, natural gas pipeline network is easy to be attacked. Based on this, this paper studies the vulnerability of natural gas networks to terrorist attacks. In order to describe the antagonistic relationship between attackers and defenders in terrorist attacks, taking a natural gas network in a certain city as an example, based on the game theory and the maximum flow model of the network, a game model of attack and defense of natural gas network is established. The Nash equilibrium solution of game strategy is solved, and the optimal strategy selection of both parties is analyzed. The difference between random attack and optimal strategy attack is analyzed by Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that for the optimal policy attack, the number of attack channels is different and the optimal target is different. Therefore, it is impossible to simply give the priority of each pipeline being threatened by terrorist attack. Most random attacks do little damage to the system. The study could provide decision support for government departments to prevent terrorist attacks.
【作者单位】: 清华大学工程物理系公共安全研究院;
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