[Abstract]:In addition to the subjective will, strategy and practical measures of the governments, the decisive factor that determines the trend of the great powers' relations in Africa and the evolution of China's international situation in Africa will still be the comprehensive strength of a country. For a considerable period of time that can be foreseen, the power balance of the major powers in Africa will still maintain the pattern of "strong and weak in the west", and the strengthening of the military layout of the major powers may squeeze China into non-strategic space. There is a risk of international resistance to China's activities in Africa. Among the factors that influence the trend of great powers and China in the international situation in Africa, the trend of great power strategic relations, especially the evolution of Sino-US strategic relations, will play a vital role. Fundamentally, the changes in the relations between the great powers in Africa are caused by the rapid rise of China and the changes in the relations between the great powers and the African countries as well as the strategic relations of the great powers.
【作者单位】: 中国非洲问题研究会;
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