[Abstract]:In the absence of public authority, it is impossible to discuss multilateral governance cooperation on global climate in the absence of public authority. It is neither possible for all participants to be big winners nor for every participant to be a big loser. The result of game between big countries can only produce a game equilibrium value based on the bottom line of mutual benefit cognition. In the face of the dilemma and strategic choice of "collective action logic" in the process of multilateral cooperation, one of the basic prerequisites that all players need to admit is that each country is a rational self-interested actor good at cost-benefit accounting. The best solution, therefore, is to form a maximum common divisor that "the majority of participants are not very satisfied with, but in the end can accept". It is under this premise that the theoretical model of convergence of austerity provides an effective analytical framework that can bridge the differences between China and the United States on climate negotiations. The "action to action" approach and the phased approach to achieving substantive results will help to open the deadlock between China and the United States in multilateral global climate governance at an early date.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学行政学院;哈尔滨工程大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:吉林省社会科学基金项目“国际组织中的博弈研究——以气候大会为例”(2012B02) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“联合国框架下应对气候问题的利益博弈和我国的对策研究”(2013ZZ032)
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