[Abstract]:Malaysia is an important party to the South China Sea issue and an important cooperative partner of China in ASEAN. Since 2014, as the situation in the South China Sea continues to heat up, due to the increasing involvement of foreign forces represented by the United States in the South China Sea issue, As well as the agitation of some countries, such as the Philippines and Vietnam, Malaysia's South China Sea policy has undergone a "deviation" from China, and strategic worries about China have obviously deepened. The benign interaction between China and Malaysia in the South China Sea is skewed towards the direction of competition and conflict. Therefore, China needs to adopt the strategy of "grasping both hard and soft", accurately grasp the relationship between disputes in the South China Sea and Sino-Malaysian relations, actively safeguard the rights and interests in the South China Sea, and properly manage the relations between neighboring countries and big countries.
【作者单位】: 中国南海研究院海洋法律与政策研究所中国南海研究协同创新中心;
【基金】:2014年度国家社科基金重大项目“21世纪海上丝绸之路建设与南海战略研究”(14ZDA078) 2014年海南省社会科学专项重大课题“海南资源优势和‘海上丝绸之路’建设研究”(HNSK(ZD-B1))的阶段性成果
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