[Abstract]:In the theory of international relations, realism theory has always been one of the mainstream schools of theory, mainly including classical realism, new realism, offensive realism. Defensive realism and neo-classical realism are five theoretical branches. Although there are theoretical differences within the realism theory, they all admit the power politics, and emphasize that the power politics is also the core of the difference between the realism theory and other international relation theories. Realistic view of power politics analyzes the essence of inter-state relations from the angle of power and guides foreign policy and behavior. This paper mainly studies the realistic view of power politics, agrees that international politics is the power struggle between countries, and regards power politics as the systematic concept to guide all international relations. Based on the discussion of the views on power of the theoretical branches of realism, this paper makes an objective evaluation of the views on power politics of the theoretical branches, and holds that under the condition that other theories of international relations are paid more attention to, The realistic political view of power has not declined in the interpretation of international relations, and its influence and explanatory power are still irreplaceable by other theories of international relations. In addition to the introduction, this paper includes four chapters. The first chapter discusses realism and power politics, expounds the development and core viewpoints of realism school of theory, analyzes the concept of power politics in international relations, and briefly analyzes the theoretical origin of realistic view of power politics. To provide a theoretical basis for the following text. The second chapter mainly discusses the political view of power in each theoretical branch of realism, and comments on the view of power politics of each theoretical branch. The third chapter demonstrates the expression of realistic political view of power through two cases of theory and practice. The fourth chapter makes an objective analysis on the political view of realistic power.
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