发布时间:2019-01-29 02:12
【摘要】: 国内外有关斯大林的研究几乎汗牛充栋,然而,关于斯大林与联合国的专题研究,却鲜有人问津。本文选定这一在我国迄今尚未见到相关专著而近乎空白的研究课题,利用历史文献资料,梳理斯大林与英美两国在成立联合国问题上较量的过程,分析和揭示斯大林在联合国问题上的战略考量和得失。 本文从第二次世界大战后期苏英美三国酝酿联合国起,梳理了斯大林与英美两国关于成立联合国方案的磋商与协调,探讨了斯大林与英美两国在联合国宪章问题上的矛盾和讨价还价,分析了斯大林对业已建立的联合国的态度,最后对斯大林联合国政策作了总结性评价。 斯大林在联合国成立问题上既表现出国际主义,也表现出大国利己主义,并且后者的比重大于前者。斯大林参与筹建联合国的出发点,是为了防止对苏联的侵略战争,同时也为了确保本国的利益——势力范围和“安全带”,并通过与美、英战后维持合作而“和平共处”地一起主宰世界。其最终目的乃是为了未来的世界革命而为苏联积蓄实力和等待时机。以大国利己主义为主、国际主义为辅。 联合国成立后的运转并没有实现斯大林的战后维持与美、英合作的设想。面对美国咄咄逼人的要求取消“大国一致原则”的进攻,苏联处于只有招架之功的守势。在战后严峻的国际形势下,虽然苏联在联合国取得一定的政治和道义上的胜利,但斯大林在其晚年对联合国的看法是悲观的:联合国“注定要瓦解”。 斯大林在联合国成立问题上体现的大国利己主义,与他在战后世界安排的其他问题上的做法是毫无二致的。对于斯大林在联合国的成立中所起的作用应该一分为二地客观评价,不应由于意识形态的缘故,一边倒的褒奖或一边倒的否定。
[Abstract]:Domestic and foreign studies on Stalin are almost abundant, however, there is little interest in the monographic study of Stalin and the United Nations. This article chooses this research subject which has not seen the related monograph but nearly blank in our country up to now, uses the historical literature material, combs Stalin and Britain and the United States on the establishment United Nations question contest process, To analyze and reveal Stalin's strategic considerations and gains and losses on the UN issue. This paper, starting from the brewing of the United Nations in the Soviet Union and the United States in the late part of the second World War, combs the consultations and coordination between Stalin and the United States on the establishment of the United Nations. This paper probes into the contradiction and bargaining between Stalin and Britain on the issue of UN Charter, analyzes Stalin's attitude towards the established UN, and finally makes a summary evaluation of Stalin's UN policy. Stalin showed both internationalism and great-power egoism in the founding of the UN, and the latter outweighed the former. Stalin's participation in the United Nations was designed to prevent the war of aggression against the Soviet Union, and also to ensure his country's interests-its sphere of influence and its "seat belt," and its adoption with the United States. After the war Britain maintained cooperation and "peaceful coexistence" to dominate the world together. The ultimate aim was to build power and wait for the Soviet Union for a future world revolution. Major power egoism, internationalism as a supplement. The operation of the United Nations after its founding did not realize Stalin's postwar vision of cooperation with the United States and Britain. The Soviet Union was on the defensive in the face of America's aggressive demands to abolish the "great power consensus principle". In the severe international situation after the war, although the Soviet Union won a certain political and moral victory in the United Nations, Stalin's view of the United Nations in his later years was pessimistic: the United Nations was "doomed to collapse". Stalin's great-power egoism on the founding of the United Nations is no different from what he did on other postwar world issues. Stalin's role in the founding of the United Nations should be evaluated objectively in two, not because of ideology, one-sided praise or one-sided negation.
[Abstract]:Domestic and foreign studies on Stalin are almost abundant, however, there is little interest in the monographic study of Stalin and the United Nations. This article chooses this research subject which has not seen the related monograph but nearly blank in our country up to now, uses the historical literature material, combs Stalin and Britain and the United States on the establishment United Nations question contest process, To analyze and reveal Stalin's strategic considerations and gains and losses on the UN issue. This paper, starting from the brewing of the United Nations in the Soviet Union and the United States in the late part of the second World War, combs the consultations and coordination between Stalin and the United States on the establishment of the United Nations. This paper probes into the contradiction and bargaining between Stalin and Britain on the issue of UN Charter, analyzes Stalin's attitude towards the established UN, and finally makes a summary evaluation of Stalin's UN policy. Stalin showed both internationalism and great-power egoism in the founding of the UN, and the latter outweighed the former. Stalin's participation in the United Nations was designed to prevent the war of aggression against the Soviet Union, and also to ensure his country's interests-its sphere of influence and its "seat belt," and its adoption with the United States. After the war Britain maintained cooperation and "peaceful coexistence" to dominate the world together. The ultimate aim was to build power and wait for the Soviet Union for a future world revolution. Major power egoism, internationalism as a supplement. The operation of the United Nations after its founding did not realize Stalin's postwar vision of cooperation with the United States and Britain. The Soviet Union was on the defensive in the face of America's aggressive demands to abolish the "great power consensus principle". In the severe international situation after the war, although the Soviet Union won a certain political and moral victory in the United Nations, Stalin's view of the United Nations in his later years was pessimistic: the United Nations was "doomed to collapse". Stalin's great-power egoism on the founding of the United Nations is no different from what he did on other postwar world issues. Stalin's role in the founding of the United Nations should be evaluated objectively in two, not because of ideology, one-sided praise or one-sided negation.
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